After a particularly brutal, blustery winter spent bundled and huddled indoors, who doesn't appreciate warm, sunny days spent outside enjoying Mother Nature's splendor? Here's a thought, be aware- you just may not be alone. Ticks are creeping and crawling through tall grassy areas, leaf piles and in bushes, waiting for the opportunity to connect with a host for their next feast. Their survival is dependent upon the availability of blood to feed on, and filling up on human blood is a tasty treat. As these pesky little pests search for a host to feed upon, they reach out with their legs, quickly grabbing on to or crawling on to their potential host. Unfortunately for us, hungry ticks will attach to an assortment of different animals, including humans for their next blood meal, potentially transmitting Lyme Disease in the process.
Tick Check! True Story |Take a Look at What I Found
After an evening walk with our family, it finally happened. Living in a rural area, we knew that the day would come and frequently tick checked our toddler and reminded our tween to check daily. It was basically our expectation that eventually one of the kiddies would have the misfortune of hosting an offending tick. I was more than surprised to find that it was my misfortune, there was no doubt about it, there was a tick embedded in my thigh. I'm official. My tick count has now started.
Remember These Important Facts About Ticks

* Ticks are not insects, they are scientifically classified as Arachnida, which also includes spiders.
* Most tick bites are not found to transmit disease causing pathogens.
* Symptoms of infection including Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and other diseases usually develop days to weeks after the tick bite.
* Following safe removal of tick, tick bites are recommended to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, an antibiotic cream may be applied.
* Know the proper, most effective methods for the removal of ticks.
Take These Precautions to Avoid Ticks
* Avoid walking or hiking in grassy areas and shrubs where ticks populations may be awaiting a potential host.
* If travelling through grasses or bushes, wear light colored clothing and tuck pants legs into white socks, making ticks visible and easily removed.
* Apply insect repellent and use brands formulated to repel ticks. Carefully follow instructions for proper application.
* Immediately check everyone including any pets if exposed to areas where ticks are likely to be found.
In the event of any complications or confusion, always contact a physician or trained professional to seek medical attention.
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The information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Do not disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. Do not rely on the information obtained on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice.
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