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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Why I Made a Switch to Matcha Tea

What would you consider to be one of your daily essentials in your day-to-day life? Almost everyone has that one source of comfort that you absolutely must have or do if there is any hope at all of your functionality. Is it the pleasure of a delicious cup coffee that you enjoy? Maybe it's your daily workout that motivates you each day. Could it be prayer, journaling, or perhaps meditation? One of my daily essentials is without a doubt, drinking a hot cup of tea. I delight in sipping a steamy cup of tea on cooler days, and an icy glass of tea when the temperature begins to turn up the heat. I'm open to the newest varieties and trends in the tea drinking community and this is an appropriate segue into why I made a switch to drinking matcha tea.

Why I Made a Switch to Matcha Tea

Matcha is Japanese in origin, a very finely ground green tea consisting of whole tea leaves that are covered before picking to accentuate the color. The leaves are then ground into a dusty powder after being picked. Matcha tea is widely enjoyed in Asia, as well as the Western Hemisphere. Many tea drinkers prefer matcha tea as an inclination toward the unmistakably "green" taste of the chlorophyll contained within the entire tea leaf. 

Health benefits of matcha, which is antibacterial in nature and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants include strengthening of the immune system, lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol levels, aids in digestion, and provides anti-aging and detoxification benefits. 

Drinking matcha is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or medical condition. Health benefit statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

With a multitude of recipes and recommendations for use of matcha tea ranging from the traditional cup of steeped tea to frothy lattes, and even as a baking ingredient for cakes, cookies and other delicious treats, I prefer to steep my tea. Sprinkling matcha tea powder into a cup with hot, not quite boiling water, using a bamboo whisk or spoon to moderately stir the tea, I actually enjoy the grainy sediments of the powder which is characteristic of matcha tea.

Matchas is certainly an acquired taste. During the stone grinding process, high quality tea in its purest form, loaded with flavor and health benefits including being rich in antioxidants with typically lower caffeine content than coffee. All promising reasons for me to make the switch to matcha tea for wellness.

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