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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Why It's Good to Choose Natural Wood Products Over Plastic Materials


What does the term Earthing mean to you? Earthing or grounding are terms best defined as having direct contact with the Earth. The invigorating feeling of walking barefoot across a beach's sandy shore, stepping across a freshly mowed lawn, or simply splashing about in sloshy puddles are all examples of ways we can choose to become grounded.  Personally, I embrace every opportunity to connect with the earth, it just feels right. There's so much vitality all around us on this planet, however, it's important to take intentional actions toward sustainable living for future generations. As we become more informed, it's our responsibility to pass this knowledge along to others. Not too long ago, my son and his elementary school class were discussing sustainability. Our ability as inhabitant of the earth is being threatened in so many ways. During our discussion, he shared the fact that every piece of plastic that was ever made is still here on the planet. That's a concerning fact. Do you know why it's good to choose wood products over plastic materials?

Thank you to the team from WoodAble for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

Why It's Good to Choose Natural Wood Products Over Plastic Materials

Green living is so much more than a pop culture trend, it's a lifestyle. Our family has made tremendous progress toward reducing our environmental footprints. Every day we refill our water bottles to travel with wherever we go, our trash collection service has been cancelled and we take our recyclable trash out to our local landfill, while carrying out small bags of trash each day, it's also important that we use less single use plastic items whenever possible. 

Our environmentalism is a work in progress, supporting the progress of like-minded individuals and companies. We recently received a small, nondescript cardboard package in the mail. Inside was an assortment of natural wood utensils, bound together in bundles by a small brown paper band, with a thank you message for our purchase. Environmentally-friendly, WoodAble disposable wooden utensils are 100% wood and 100% good. 

WoodAble is an eco-friendly alternative to single use plastic disposable utensils. All WoodAble products are high-quality, compostable, sustainable utensils for all occasions. Sustainably sourced in Chile by traditional stewards of their land for more than 100 years, the organization has been recognized as Forest Stewardship Certified (FSC) since 2002, as well as the Rainforest Alliance. Exceeding basic plant-to-harvest ratios, on average, WoodAble plants 8 trees for every 6 harvested to prevent deforestation.

WoodAble products are 100% wood and 100% good for sustainable living. Good for our environment. Good for our home. Good for your home.

WoodAble Disposable Wooden Utensils are available online and on Amazon.

 As the owner of the digital content published by Creative Learning Center Studios, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This content may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This content abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.
