Creative, resourceful and disengaged, a recipe for restlessness. Unacceptable. As I desperately longed for my own voice, my own space and time, my own avenue of expression, I discovered my “Inner Writer.” My niecyisms are my personal expressions, belief systems, ideas, and fantasies. The nestlings are my children, they are the reason that my niecyisms have come to exist and interact with everyday life. That’s just back story on how I came to find my solace in the midst of chaos and began the goal of establishing a following and sharing quality content. "I’m official!"
I Live, I Laugh, I Love My niecyisms and My nestlings
So yes, I call them my nestlings, they are always up close and personal in our little nest, as I call it. They are truly my pride and joy, and about as different as they come. First I have a teen, Mommy Delegate, firstborn, only girl and self-appointed Matriarch-in-Training, relishing her reign as a High School Senior.
My first son, the tween, henceforth known as Dr. Dreams is 10 years ancient and planning on the most efficient way to transport his pack of dogs that he will have when he gets a job and a house and a pick up truck and the blue moon is in the house of Aquarius.
My busiest and littlest “D” is Busy Bee D, a toddler on his way to doing what he wants, when he wants and as he wants, all before he reaches the fear-inducing, “Terrible Two’s”. Daddy and Mommy D spend their free time balancing the dynamics of these 3-D Angels and loving every joyful/stressful (depending on the day) moment.
Our family has recently settled down within the rural beauty of the scenic Hudson Valley of Upstate, NY, very different from the suburban Central New Jersey neighborhood where Mommy Delegate and Sir Dreams originated from. Working long hours from home most days allows more than ample “bonding time” with my nestlings, while I sneak away to make phone calls, meet deadlines, respond to email, snail mail, tweets, pokes, posts, comments and snack requests (the later is NOT work related).

We have good times, which we all live for, in the best way possible and then we flip it completely and someone is going wack-a-mole in a "Just Breathe” sort of way. That’s what we do! Never ignore your own voice and live for the moments. Read, post, share your voice here! This is my launch into blogging to chronicle the random, everyday life that I experience, its my remedy for the awkward silence and/or incessant laughter that follows these moments. Enjoy the ride, be a giver and not a taker. Share, share, share! I live, I laugh, I love my nestlings!
“When things start happenining, don’t worry, don’t stew,
just go right along and you’ll start happening too.”
- Dr. Seuss
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