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Featured Book Review: Teaching Kids To Be Good People by Annie Fox M.Ed.

Teaching Kids To Be Good People - Annie Fox, M.Ed.

Written from a knowledgeable and professional perspective, Annie Fox, M.Ed offers parents and families the framework for helping kids to develop good character traits in her latest parenting book, Teaching Kids To Be Good People. The practical illustrations of how parents can nurture the emerging people our children are to become into kind, respectful and empathetic adults is delivered in a personable, conversational manner, not lacking in merited research.

Annie demonstrates the foundations for the implementation and cultivation of basic social skills that have become devalued in today's world, as she attributes, to negative media influences and other detriments. The interactive approach Annie uses to engage parents in directing their children's independent decision making skills utilizes "Real World Assignments" to guide the application of key milestones acquired along the journey to "being good and doing good in the world."

The comfortable, conversational nature of Teaching Kids To Be Good People is friendly and entertaining as Annie Fox, M.Ed. demonstrates her familiarity with the need for parents that are equipped with the resources to begin at home, teaching character education to our kids. With Teaching Kids To Be Good People, there is a wealth of information shared from not only the author's experiences, the incorporation of a sampling of the letters and situations of many kids and parents Annie has advised, represents a spectrum of situations and solutions. Families of teens, tweens, toddlers and even the family planners will appreciate the kind and gentle guidance that Teaching Kids To Be Good People delivers. A thought-provoking and stimulating read, Annie Fox stands as a parent-educator and author bringing the importance of character education to the forefront of parenting issues.

Please visit Annie Fox for more information on purchasing Teaching Kids to Be Good People at her Amazon.com PAGE and visit her website at http://www.anniefox.com/index.html

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