Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Five Question Friday 10/12/12

1. Did you have any homecoming traditions?

I can't really say that we have any real homecoming traditions, besides going!

2. Do you ask your spouse before spending money?

I don't ask before as much as I inform after. I am the more reserved saver and he is the more impulsive shopper. If only he thought to ask me before spending money...

3. If you could be famous for something what would it be?

Can I be a famous fashionista artist living in Hawaii? Please?

4. Have you ever seriously thought you were going crazy?
Yes. No. Always. Not Ever. Of course, that's why I blog, to share my Cuckoo Chronicles!

5. How do you eat your steak? Burger? (as in, well done, medium, still moo-ing...)

Well done and cheesy! ; P


  1. My husband is a spender too, while I'm the saver. Cuckoo Chronicles? Love it! I'll be back to read more for sure! Have a wonderful weekend!!


    1. Hi Falen!

      Thank you for visiting my blog and I look forward to visiting your blog for more inspiration!

      :) niecyisms


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