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Friday's Fact or Fiction No (Cow) Tipping, Please!

Is it a trick? It's not a treat! Cow Tipping, who does that? I can give no logical answer as to who first decided to go cow tipping or how it became a rural-urban legend (I just made that term up myself) for recklessly curious thrill seekers. Here are some ideas as to how the cow tipping allure came to be so popular. Remember- No (Cow) Tipping, Please!

Cows are thought to be whimsical, dim-witted animals defenselessly chewing grasses unsuspecting and oblivious to their surroundings. These serene looking cows stand idly by on their frail, little legs unable to stand their ground against the brave tipper that sneaks upon them in the darkness. I'm not buying this story, even if it is on sale.

Here's a little research on the topic at hand.  On average, a cow weighs between one-half and up to a full ton. Contrary to popular belief, cows do not have a high center of gravity, they are solid, massive creatures with a low center of gravity. They have a keen sense of vision, hearing and smell and are by nature light sleepers.  While cows might be caught resting while standing, they do not sleep standing up.  A lonely calf, maybe an extremely swift and determined tipper or two may manage to sneak in a sucker shove, but I can't see even a baby cow going down with out a struggle to stand upright and an emergency alert to mommy and the rest of the herd. One would only hope to live to tell the story. While this prank may seem like fun times in theory, it's actually very dangerous for the tipper and the cow and not to mention, cow tipping is cruel and ridiculous.  

Share the Cool Cow Facts

The cow family is referred to as cattle. A cow does not have four stomachs, it has only one stomach which contains four digestive compartments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.  Be kind to cows, they are considered to be our foster mothers as they produce approximately 90% of the world's milk supply. Remember to raise a glass of milk to the cows on Mother's Day. 


  1. Hi Denise, I'm Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (http://annesfunnyfarm.blogspot.com) visiting from Jilly’s Weekend Blog Walk.

    Interesting facts! I live on a farm, but don't have any cows. Love them, though!

    Anyway, it’s nice to "meet" you. I hope you can pop over to my blog and say hi sometime if you get the chance.

    1. Hi Anne,
      Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog! I just started my silly Friday fact or Fiction, I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Lucky you, living on a farm! I'm glad to "meet" you too and I'm heading over to your blog now. Please follow and keep in contact.
      Happy Blogging! <3 niecyisms

  2. OK then, I quite like cows and next to giraffes I think cows have the most beautiful eyes, I love their long lashes - so there!

    First time follower via GFC through the hop.

    Would love for you to come and visit my blog sometime.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for visiting my blog and I am excited to get to know you by visiting your blog. I am new to blogging and have had great support from GFC and the blog hop. And yes, cows do have lovely, long lashes!


  3. Fun story and great post! Thanks for linking up on last week's Make My Saturday Sweet blog hop! Don't forget to link today if you haven't already. Have a great weekend!

    Tina - mom of 4 and author of 5 blogs

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I am making my way through the blog hop. I love reading the blogs and getting to know everyone. I look forward to visiting your blog soon!

      Happy Blogging!

  4. This is a great post! I have no idea who started this either. A co-worker & I were talking about this today actually. There's been 3 cows from "cows on parade" stolen the passed few weeks around here. I hope you have a great weekend.


    1. Thank you for reading my post! I guess this is the time of year for silly pranks at the expense of the poor cows. Give a cow a break! lol I look forward to visiting your blog soon.

      :) niecyisms

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and I will definitely follow back!
    :) niecyisms


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