Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Featured Review: UNREAL Candy

The most difficult part of the UNREAL Candy Bzz Agent Campaign was being able to locate the product. Unfortunately, we aren't in close proximity to very many retail stores, so wherever we ventured, we were on an UNREAL mission. I was successful in finding the UNREAL Candy at a CVS store where we purchased the Peanut Butter Cups and Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat Bars.
It was Family Night Out and we were all seated at the table awaiting the server delivering our meal. I am not sure what excited me most, finally being able to actually locate the UNREAL candy or getting the chance to taste "candy unjunked". Our discussion about the candy attracted the attention of the family dining beside us and the restaurant staff. The candy wrapper advertised having no artificials, no corn syrup, no hydrogenateds, no preservatives and no GMO's. So we broke the rules. We allowed "My 3D's" to have candy before dinner was served. It was UNREAL, "candy unjunked". It's not junk food. Don't judge us.

All eyes were on us as we distributed the candy to be tasted. We exchanged dramatic glances, we're wacky that way, and now for the moment of truth, the big reveal. We all liked the UNREAL candy. The taste of the Peanut Butter Cups and the Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat Bar is very similar to other popular candy brands, with flavor that is not as sugary sweet and still satisfies that "sweet tooth" craving. UNREAL candy is a winner with us and while we didn't have enough candy to share with the entire restaurant, I was able to offer coupons for the candy to be used at the CVS store close by the restaurant. My family found UNREAL candy to be a real favorite.

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