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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Michael Kors and the High School Lunch Table

Photo Credit: niecyisms
The "High School Lunch Table", it's comparable to standing before Tyra Banks and America's Next Top Model's panels of authorities, pleading before Judge Milian on The People's Court and sitting at Survivor's Tribal Council with Jeff Probst all at once. I can't imagine anyone that has failed to witness and almost inevitably experience the scrutiny of the judging table.

My daughter, the "Mommy Delegate", was a Junior, as well as the new girl at school last year. She was faced with the challenges of immersing herself into a tight-knit, small, rural community where she was initially pegged as the 'Jersey Girl' with the multicultural family that still elicits the comical double take. As a Senior, and two new girls later, I have to say that I am proud of how she has integrated into not only the school, but most importantly, her graduating class of approximately 80 students.

Here's the story... my entrepreneurial "Mommy Delegate" has been the exclusive sitter for 10 year-old twin girl classmates of my son.  The girls' parents are most generous employers, they pick her up and return her home, trust her enough to make smart decisions when the girls are under her supervision and are more than fair in their monetary compensation for her time. Giving credit where credit is due, my daughter has become a saver.  Please believe there are plenty of times where she has gotten on line at the cash register and reconsidered spending HER money. Well, the Michael Kors boots made it from the store to our house and at a great price too!

The next stop for these fabulicious boots, school aka "HSLT Central".  Ooodles of "oohs" and "aahs" initiated the judging by the reigning fashionisto.  The boots were the perfect combination of suede and fur, so amazing that Mr. Fashionisto couldn't stop petting their soft, sueded texture.  Now all eyes were on these Michael Kors boots, sometimes on the girl in them too.  Then came the two questions that will never be answered before the council at the HSLT.  "Where did you get these boots?" and "How much did you pay for them?"  The answers to these two questions were only entrusted to only one other person, her bestie.  They exchanged conspiratory glances and offered, "They were a gift!"  Yes, they were a gift, from herself to herself.  She remains a strategious contender in the game.  

Well played!  Love, love and more love!

Have you ever been forced to face... the High School Lunch Table?  
What was your survival strategy?


  1. Those are too cute! Gifts to yourself are awesome indeed :).

    #BLMgirls Blog Hop

  2. Thank You! I love your thinking! I'm a new blog fan too! :)

  3. Very nice! This is my first time seeing them.


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