Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Five Question Friday 3/1/13

1. What was the most productive thing you have done this week?

I finally created my Facebook Fan Page. There is no real reason why I hadn't already just took a moment to make the page, but it's done. I'm Official! niecyisms

2. Enjoying the winter or ready for spring?

I am enjoying winter so much more now that the temperature is soaring to 40 degrees and the sun's warmth can actually be almost, kinda felt. I know that my Cinderella days in the fireplace are leading toward "the big finale".

With all of that said, I am ready for spring!

3. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Is your spouse the same as you?

I am an introverted extrovert. I can command center stage when the occasion calls, however, I prefer to remain behind the scene. When I think about it, we both are actually the same way yet in different ways.

4. Would you rather go without music or television for 1 year?

I could go a year without television. Watching television is a passive activity for me, listening to music is an interactive event. I should really charge my family admission...

5. Have you ever been truly scared of someone?

I have encountered some truly scary people in my everyday encounters that validate the fight or flight response. I try to keep my game face on but I am sure it's more ghost face than anything. O~o
