Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Five Question Friday 3/22/13

1. What advice would you give a newly married couple?

Be best friends. Love unconditionally and try to always find the positive before the negative. Trust your instinct and your heart. Establish a positive support system and share spiritual/moral beliefs. 

2. Who does more laundry around your house?

I think we are pretty equal in loads laundered, I know who makes us have to do laundry so often... the  mud-loving 10 year old boy that I gave birth to!

3. What items, if any, do you prefer to buy organic or make yourself?

I make my own organic children. Everything else is a 20 minute mad dash through the supermarket grabbing random items from the front display, end-of-aisle goodies and whatever whoever is dashing along with me has tossed into our shopping cart. 

4. What book/TV series would you recommend for a friend on bedrest?

I really enjoyed reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and the DVD helped my kids to understand the concepts of visualization and the Law of Attraction. 

5. So, they say it's Spring now...what does your "spring" look like at this very moment?

Winter.  Mother Nature and Father Time are clearly having some "issues".
