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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

News & Reviews on MorningStar Veggie Products

Photo Credit: niecyisms

Meatless Mondays sound easy enough in theory. Putting that theory into practice and developing a variation of meal plans is not quite as easy. A few weeks into our decision to challenge our familiar eating patterns and to live healthier, we began to struggle with ideas for meatless meals.

MorningStar Farms Veggie Burgers offered my family the variety that our meals were lacking. The choice to not eat meat does not necessarily equate to bland, basic meals. The thought of eating veggie burgers rendered images of whole carrot chunks specked with beets, tomatoes, corn-on-the-cob and brussel sprouts combined into a patty and tucked into a bun. Not the case at all. The MorningStar Farms Grillers Prime and Original Chik Patties looked just like any other familiar frozen patties. The first barrier was crossed, the MorningStar Farms products looked appetizing and after baking in the oven, we were ready to give the veggie burgers our honest opinion.

As a reluctant food experimenter, I was uncertain whether my family would be receptive to actually consuming veggie burgers, even if they looked like regular burgers. The flavor of the MorningStar Farms Grillers Prime Veggie Burgers was very similar to the taste of beef burgers. Condiments were added to taste as usual and no additional seasoning was necessary. Honestly, the entire family was not only pleased with the taste of the veggie burgers, they were also pleased with themselves for having stepped outside of their comfort zones. It's official, Meatless Mondays and MorningStar Farms Veggie Products are a perfect combination in our home.

I was given the opportunity to sample MorningStar Farms Veggie Products as part of a BzzCampaign from BzzAgent. I received the product for review and have been offered no other compensation. The opinions and review reported are my personal thoughts, under no influence from the corporate sponsors.
