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Featured Book Review- The Chore Solution: Making Families Better by Working Together

The Chore Solution: Making Families Better by Working Together is a fittingly descriptive and accurate title for Jason and Ann Cowan's recently released parenting book from Mixed Up Books. The husband and wife co-authors offer their experience and expertise acquired from their backgrounds in Business and Education combined with their personal experiences as a family. 

Thank you to Jason and Ann Cowan for the courtesy of providing a media review copy for editorial content purposes.

The Chore Solution: Making Families Better by Working Together - by Jason and Ann Cowan

As parents to four boys ranging from the nearly independent teen-aged son to their totally dependent infant-aged son, this blended family has put the challenges, practices and goals of The Chore Solution to the test. Jason and Ann's family is the ideal focus group and through their real life scenarios shared in The Chore Solution, many families will relate to the everyday encounters faced on our own personal journeys to balance our family's needs and wants with responsibility and accountability. Some families may find that the process is not always a simple task, however, the victory of the accomplishments evidenced in a more self-sufficient and financially responsible family are worth the effort to obtain the benefits. 

Always the planner, I am still in the Research & Development phase of our family's implementation of The Chore Solution. Currently in the midst of the sacred Summer vacation, the dawning of the new school year is swiftly approaching. The Reconnaissance Team (Dad and Yours Truly), are diligently in the trenches intent to prepare our troops with the necessary skills to be best prepared for life's playing field. 

Of the many valid concepts illustrated in The Chore Solution, our family will begin with an emphasis n the fact that "we don't put the acquisition of those possessions above the well-being of others." Kudos to Jason and Ann Cowan's The Chore Solution: Making Families Better by Working Together on sharing great insight and helpful techniques that many families will be able to utilize as a useful framework for happy, productive families.

The Chore Solution: Making Families Better by Working Together was provided for the purpose of reviewing.  The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog.  The views and opinions that are expressed in this blog are purely and entirely my own thoughts and statements.

The Chore Solution: Making Families Better by Working Together is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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