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Rewind and Review Blog Hop #1

Rewind & Review Blog Hop

Join the Rewind & Review Blog Hop! Just add your blog post link, click the button that says “Submit Your Link” at the very bottom of the post. If leave your link in the comment section of this post, you will miss out linking on the blog hop and your post to be missed. 

Feel free to link up, beginner or pro, we are all interested in sharing a little "Blog Love". Please do not link and leave, let's all be active supporters and see the blog hop grow!
Follow niecyisms and say "Hi!", so that I can follow your blog as well!

Blog http://www.niecyisms.blogspot.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/niecyisms
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/niecyisms
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/niecyisms
Google+ https://www.plus.google.com/+DeniseMurray

Remember to link to your blog post permalink, not your blog URL.
Not This Link: http://www.niecyisms.blogspot.com.com/
Use This Link: http://www.niecyisms.blogspot.com/2013/12/rewind-and-review-blog-hop.html

Follow all or as many other bloggers as possible. This is all for fun and a little networking never hurt any blogger! Come back each month to share your best blog post and to read the best blog posts! Grab a Rewind & Review button so the "Blogiverse" can join the Rewind & Review Blog Hop, too.

Get Your Rewind & Review Button

Rewind & Review Blog Hop will be open to link up on the Thursday before the first Friday of the month with the exception of any holiday taking place on the first Friday of the month or the Thursday before.
 Save the date! The tentative Rewind & Review Blog Hops are as follows:
  • Blog Hop #1  January 3, 2014
  • Blog Hop #2  February 7, 2014
  • Blog Hop #3  March 7, 2014
  • Blog Hop #4  April 4, 2014
  • Blog Hop #5 May 2, 2014
  • Blog Hop #6  June 6, 2014
  • Blog Hop #7  July 11, 2014
  • Blog Hop #8  August 1, 2014
  • Blog Hop #9  September 5, 2014
  • Blog Hop #10 October 3, 2014
  • Blog Hop #11 November 7, 2014
  • Blog Hop #12 December 5, 2014


  1. Hi Denise! This is my first time joining in on your blog hop. I can't wait to see what posts others link to. Thank you so much for hosting this!

  2. Thank you for the link-up! This is a great way to connect with new bloggers and get outside your bubble. Have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to connecting with you more!

  3. Great idea! I'll take note of the future link up dates :)

  4. hi Denise; Thanks so much for your kind offer on bloggers helping bloggers. I had to submit an older post because the url for my latest and best post was too long. I've been advised to watch the length of my titles in future because google only counts the first so many characters. I think now that i started the interviews future posts will be title lfl instead of learning from leaders of the amusement industry. I'm looking forward to meeting even more great people here and finding more lblogs to follow. I am a blind computer user, so it is easier for me to get updates in email than routinely visit sites. so if anyone here has a post they want me to check out i highly recommend your sending me an email through the contact form on my site the midway marketplace where i help people buy and sell amusement equipment. Its a narrow niche so i need all the help i can get. thanks again and take care, max

  5. Great idea! Networking is always helpful to everyone that participates.

  6. This is pretty cool. I will be checking these blog hops out monthly.

  7. I love finding new blog hops, and now that I'm getting back into the swing of things, I look forward to participating in them more often. I am a new follower on Twitter and Google+. Thanks for putting this together.

  8. thanks for creating this wonderful oppurtunity to meet other bloggers


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