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Featured Book Review: Discovered by Author Kim Black

Photo Credit: Kim Black

Are the little one settled down safe and snug in there beds?  Have you checked to make sure that Nana will be ready to go to the supermarket in the morning?  Yes, then it's time for Emily, Julien and Charlette to share their steamy, sexy seductive story as the enthralling drama unfold on the pages of Kim Black's newly release erotic romance, Discovered.  

There is an easy, comfortable relationship established with the lead characters of Discovered from the moment that the story begins to unwind.  Emily's feisty yet seductive appeal is whimsically magnetic, Julien is not only mesmerizing, but he proves to be all that one would expect from a debonair power player and the confident, calculated Charlette  holds her own.

Discovered is certainly targeted to the 18 and over crowd and with just cause.  The relentlessly in-depth encounters so well depicted will leave you wanting more.  Kim Black's Discovered does not disappoint her readers.  Fortunately, Discovered is Book One of the Covered Series.  I'm a new fan in anxious anticipation of Julien, I mean the next book. Take a sneak peek of Discovered and let me know what you think.

She gave me a small, wicked smile and shifted so that she was comfortable, “As you wish Julien. Do with me whatever you want.”

There laid my little vixen, completely wonton and primed just for me. I needed to have her, needed to feel her again. The way her body responded to me was all I could think about after she left me, and though I couldn’t explain it, being with her again felt like it completed me in a way. She was like a drug that I couldn’t get enough of.

"DISCOVERED" is live on:
Amazonhttp://t.co/wzks7bzVAl | 
Barnes & Noblehttp://t.co/OArrm3vsl9 |


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 I have received an Advanced Reader Copy of Discovered for the purpose of completing this review.  As the owner of this blog, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though I, as the writer and owner of this blog receives compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

DISCOVERED ( The Cover Series, #1)DISCOVERED by Kim Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is an easy, comfortable relationship established with the lead characters of Discovered from the moment that the story begins to unwind. Emily's feisty yet seductive appeal is whimsically magnetic, Julien is not only mesmerizing, but he proves to be all that one would expect from a debonair power player and the confident, calculated Charlette holds her own.

Discovered is certainly targeted to the 18 and over crowd and with just cause. The relentlessly in-depth encounters so well depicted will leave you wanting more. Kim Black's Discovered does not disappoint her readers. Fortunately, Discovered is Book One of the Covered Series. I'm a new fan in anxious anticipation of Julien, I mean the next book.
Kim Black http://www.niecyisms.blogspot.com/201...

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