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Featured Book Review: Old Beginnings (The Forgotten Slayer Series Book One) by Alix Marsh

There is certainly quite a tremendous amount of action and excitement centered around seemingly unassuming Flynn Heath's life.  It would have been impossible to imagine the mystical and mysterious turn of events that came to pass during an ordinary walk home from school in the rain. Flynn's thirteenth birthday was supposed to be filled with family, friends and cake; an eerie old man's gift of a jeweled snake dagger with strange pledges taken for protection and defense of his family and himself were never planned- or were they dreamed?
In Old Beginnings (The Forgotten Slayer Series - Book One),  Alix Marsh introduces readers to Flynn and his embark upon training at the exclusive Victor Grey Academy.  Following an unexpected meeting with Keepers of the Book and Flynn's glowing signature, a vulnerable and untrained newly pledged admission to the Dragon Slayer Academy.  It is a most amazing experience to enter Master Heath's new world on the demon radar as he is faced with unprecedented changes and challenges.  Old Beginnings is targeted to the Teen and Young Adult population, yet appeals to Fantasy Genre fans across the board.  Marsh has made an epic debut into the Forgotten Slayer Series, look forward to more action-filled episodes in future books.

The first book in Flynn Heath’s magical world of amazing powers, dark demons, a perfectly mundane family at home and extraordinary friends at his new school, which happens to be a Demon Slayer Academy.
Flynn Heath is just an ordinary boy, living a very ordinary life in the perfectly pleasant village of Little Rislin. Until, one day, he mistakenly pledges his blood, honour and soul to a mysterious stranger and before he knows it, he’s enrolled into the finest (and only) demon slayer academy in the country.
But there’s a dark force swimming through the demon-infested undertow of the ordinary world, a king demon shaking loose the shackles that have him bound in Hades. Maybe Flynn’s pledge wasn’t some random mistake after all.
Sometimes, there’s a very good reason for a slayer to stay forgotten.

Author Bio:
Currently residing in Berkshire, England, Alix Marsh has lived in many places between South Africa and England, including a village very much like Little Rislin. No demon sightings yet, although Alix is always vigilant and prepared.
Old Beginnings launches the first book in the magical, urban paranormal series of The Forgotten Slayer
Author Links: Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AlixMarshAuthor

Title: Old Beginnings (The Forgotten Slayer Series Book 1)
Author: Alix Marsh
Genre: Fantasy/Urban Paranormal Middle Grade/Teen
