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Friday's Five Book Nook Nods

It is with a half-crazed, embarrassed honesty that I admit that we punish our tween by... taking his books out of his bedroom. Gasps! While there are families that completely flip the script here and banish their children to their bedrooms, we consider this to be routine. We are a family of readers, from our teen to our toddler- we all read. Our book shelves are overflowing with the books that we can bear to see others reading. Our bedrooms house our private selections of books that we can not seem to part with and would re-read without hesitation, if one were to find their self banished to our bedroom. 

Traveling with my family, the sight of a book store has the same effect that the candy aisle might have on another person, nirvana. We are regulars at our local library and anticipate the bounty of books awaiting us at the annual book sale. The advice, inspiration, adventures and escapes that lure us into the pages are temptation in its finest form. Our  tween is the most easily tempted, hence the book banning punishment.  Currently reading at level that exceeds his sixth grade curriculum requirements, there is just no explanation for his Magic Treehouse books to stand beside the Harry Potter collection.  He just loves to read.  Can you blame him?

Take a look at five of my all-time favorite reads that somehow never seem to collect dust in my little book nook.  Sharing a peek into my book nook does not in anyway suggest that this is a lending library. Similar to the children that I have raised, I am possessive (maybe even obsessive) about my books. Before the question is posed as to the explanation for Dr. Seuss' My Many Colored Days standing beside The Secret by Rhonda Byrne- it's my book nook and I like it that way. 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
Covey details the basic personal development principles in a knowledgable and precise manner that is easily applied to everyday living.  

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne 
Here is a three-word synopsis of The Secret- Ask, Believe, Receive.  The basic principles of The Law of Attraction are developed in a truly enlightening manner. Byrne's book is an motivational read and encourages progressive action towards your goals. 

The Alchemist - Paulo Coehlo 
In this highly acclaimed novel, Coehlo takes readers along on a quest for self.  This is a simply inspired story that is very frequently revisited in my quiet moments.  The hustle and bustle of life tends to overwhelm the deeper  beauty of the pursuit of our dreams and passion.  An appreciation of life and following your destiny is a rewarding experience.

My Many Colored Days - Dr. Seuss The colorful whimsy that is everything Seussical.  I fell in love with this book as adult, having never read My Many Colored Days as a child.  Always a part of my March 2nd tribute to Dr.Seuss' birthday,  I've also been known to just sit and read whenever I come across the beautifully enticing pages of My Many Colored Days.

The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch

A emotionally overwhelming memoir shared with all of the truth and bravery of a true soldier of life.  I read this book with a box of tissues as my book rest and there was no need for a bookmark.  I never put The Last Lecture down once I started reading it and I was never the same after reading it.  Have you ever realized how much life is taken for granted?  You will.

Bonus Book- The Holy Bible

I definitely keep my worn and weary copy of the Bible close at hand.  I have mentioned before, I am more of a spiritual person than a religious person but the Bible stand as the foundation of my beliefs. As a lover of all things acronym I guess B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) says it all.  It's not mine, feel free to share it- I did!

I love to browse the book shelves of friends and family- and strangers too.  I'm curious.  Don't leave me guessing.  What's on your book shelf?  Is it Hot or Not?  Share your treasure trove for all of the book lovers.
