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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Friday's Five "My Life" Moments of 2013

Photo Credit: niecyisms
So, here is my solution for eliminating mental clutter, sharing a little "something" and giving a good read- all in one shot. Drumroll, please! (Dah-Dah-Duh-Daaah) Announcing my "Friday's Five..."  This week's edition is all about my Five "My Life" Moments of 2013.

It's only fair that I start off by sharing one of my personal "My Life" moments of 2013. The Scenario: a random wandering/shopping trip with the fam- Dad, Mom and our teen, tween and toddler all aimlessly taking up space in a store, simply because it was a wonderful Summer day and we didn't want to go home and do all of the responsible stuff we should have been doing. The Moment: when my favorite leather thong sandal remains firmly planted beneath the foot of our toddler.  Meanwhile, the momentum of the Tango/Heimlich Manuever/Cha Cha walk that my toddler and I are engaged in sends me hurdling down the aisle in my one remaining shoe. The Finale: I slide my battered and bruised foot back into my mangled "sandal", refusing all delusional demands for me to buy a new pair of shoes, not to mention at retail price.  I proudly flip-flapped out of the store in my sandal and bits of a sandal on my feet, resolved to live up to my creed, "Never pay retail price."

Photo credit: niecyisms
The Scenario: late night reading in bed, while hubby is asleep.  The Moment:  As I  am sitting in bed reading, my husband turns over, away from me and fall face-first on to the floor. What? I know! Did I just see that happen is my first thought. Okay, I'm over the whole dazed and confused initial reaction because... he's still lying on the floor. What? I know! Here is where I go all trained First Responder on him and ask him if he's okay. That's what the manual says to do. He picks up his face from the floor while he's still just lying on the floor. "Babe, get up."  It's just a little too cold for me to get up to get him, he complies and understands this, I thought. The Finale: I get a call from my husband at work, asking me if I really told him to get up after he fell out of the bed during the night. Of course I did, I have heard too many stories about the Good Samaritan Law gone bad.  He must have bumped his head, might wanna get that checked out. Anyway, all is well that ends well.  I got him a helmet. 

The Scenario: an early morning family bike ride on a perfect Spring day. The Moment:  after over an hour of safe riding  over hills, through puddles and bushes, chasing, dodging and gaining unnecessary speed for the purpose of testing the efficacy of brakes- it was time to go home. As my husband and I began the cattle calls to round-up our teen, tween and toddler, the tween is the first to roll in to have his bike loaded onto our SUV's bike rack. I really can't explain exactly how he managed this one. We saw him riding his bike toward us and were prepared to take his bike from him. However, before my husband was able to get the bike, he rode straight into the bike rack which made contact with his throat and caused him to reel backward, like a stuntman in a major blast. The Finale: the precision performance of that goofy grin and his standard, comedic one-liner, "I'm okay!" was his response as he regained his composure. Yes, he's still wearing his helmet too. 

The Scenario: our teen daughter's first "all grown up" night away from home, in her brand new college dorm.  The Moment: the glowing mid-August sun slowly, but surely begins to fade into the darkness of night.  The heaping mounds of clothing have been relocated from her bedroom at home  to her new home away from home, all of the amenities of home living have been condensed into storage totes, plastic organizers, bins and baskets.   The "food" must-haves are stashed away from the potential snack-thief of a roommate she now has been assigned to live with for her Freshman year.  It is in this surreal milestone moment that a realization of epic proportion.  With all of the checklists and advice she was prepared with, somehow among all of the photo albums, scrapbooks, Build-a-Bear creations, hi-liters, Post-It's, Infinity scarves, Converse All-Star's and other essentials; the "A-Ha!" moment enlightened our daughter to the fact that she neglected to bring light bulbs.  Surprisingly enough, her roommate also took the gift of light for granted as well.  The Finale: her suggestion of a midnight ride to Walmart with her new buddies was shut down.  Denied.  Light bulbs will be provided at our earliest convenience, Family Weekend, two weeks away.  Study by day and meditate on the goodness of your parents by night.  You'll be fine.  She was fine, really, we still have her!

To close out this edition, I still snicker as I think of this moment, we all do.  The Scenario: innocently enjoying a moment to read a major, national magazine, it's a big one, a real power player in the industry.  The Moment: as I look up to talk to my husband, I glance back down at the major, big-time magazine I am reading.  Did I just see someone that I know?  Did I read that name correctly?  What the cookies?! Is that the PTA mom from our son's school sitting in her bra and panties? Noooo! Oh, yeah, that is this kid's mom! The Finale:  our son, the tween, refused to see past the unsightly bra and panties to provide accurate verification of the person in question.  But we know... and we stutter and stammer and try not to look in her general direction at school events.  What can we say,  she's proud and we know it; as does all of America.  It really is a major, national, widely circulated, at the register of the supermarket magazine.  You Go Girl!

I am sure that I am not alone in the "My Life" moments.  Please let me know that you have those moments too.  Share the love, it makes it all better!
