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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

10 Green Reasons to Switch to Maple Hill Naturals Wool Dryer Balls

How happy does fresh, clean laundry make you?  To risk sounding like an overly zealous homemaker, I have to admit that I really enjoy doing our family's laundry.  There is something satisfying in the sudsy, foaming water, the refreshingly scented detergent and the fluffy, warm clothes that seem to bounce right out of the dryer.  It's just refreshing.  Now, cleaning the bathroom is never quite as fulfilling.  It's a totally different type of experience, would you agree?

Our family recently made the decision to "go green" and eliminate the use of dryer fabric softener sheets and replace the dryer sheets with 100% Wool Dryer Balls from Maple Hill Naturals.  As a "crunchy living" family, green living is very important to our family.  What exactly is crunchy living?   

Here is a quick explanation that I have shared previouslyThe "crunchy" living style has gained much attention and popularity in an increasing number of households.  Haven't embraced the term crunchy yet?  Well, think in terms of the free-spirited, healthy living, animal-friendly, environmentally conscious, nature-loving, let's save the world,  people power- kinda population.  Think crunch, as in granola.  Earth is a nice place to live, if we are respectful of its bounty.

10 Green Reasons We Made the Switch to 
Maple Hills Naturals 100% Wool Dryer Balls-

Energy Efficient- The tumbling action of the Wool Dryer Balls are capable of reducing dryer time by about 25% as seen with similar products on the market.

Environmentally Friendly- As increasing numbers of families switch to using products that are more sustainable, there is less trash accumulation in our landfills and environment. 

Economic Value- Spending money on disposable products is eliminated by using green products such as Dryer Balls allowing finances to be invested wisely. 

Hypo-Allergenic- The use of naturally colored wool makes it unnecessary for the use of harsh bleaching chemicals or irritating dyes in the Wool Dryer Balls.

Natural Product- Maple Hills Natural Wool Dryer Balls are handmade of the highest quality domestic wool which naturally softens clothing without the chemicals from fabric softeners being released into our water supply.

Reusable Product- The finest quality materials used in the craftsmanship of Dryer Balls contribute to the durability of the product being able to last for thousands of loads of laundry. With an occasional wash as necessary and re-scenting as desired, Maple Hills Naturals Dryer Balls will last for years.

Community Involvement- A portion of the proceeds from the sale of 100%Wool Dryer Balls will go to support making a difference through charitable support in our communities.

American Pride- Every time a customer purchases  Wool Dryer Balls, we are helping to support and sustain American farms, farmers and families. 

Crunchy Company- Check out the Maple Hills Natural Story-
"The Maple Hill Naturals story starts off as a small one mom company, looking to provide answers to mothers who were looking for natural solutions to everyday problems.  This passion for providing answers with world class customer service continues to hold true to this day.  All of our products are hand crafted in the United States using the finest materials and ingredients.  At Maple Hill Naturals we are committed to helping you save time, money, and the environment every time you use our natural products."
Customer Satisfaction- Our family's laundry has a comforting softness and the gentle fragrance of Torrential Rain has the entire room fragrant and fresh.  It makes me proud as a Crunchy Mom to know that our family is supporting a "green company" sharing a passion for doing what is in the best interest for our homes, our communities, our country and our planet. 

Check out the Maple Hill Naturals products.  

How have you made a switch to "Go Green"?

I have received Maple Hill Naturals 100% Wool Dryer Balls for the purpose of submitting this review.  As the owner of this blog, niecyisms' Creative Learning, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.


  1. well now I get what "crunchy" means. And I think I need to get some dryer balls.


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