Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

5 Reasons The #ShazzyFit Challenge is For You

Have you heard the buzz about the family-friendly 7 day #ShazzyFit Challenge?  Here are 5 reasons why today is your day to join, right here and right now. 

    • The Shazzy Fitness Workout DVD series is geared toward Beginner Level - In The Beginning and Intermediate Level - A Time To Dance.
    niecyisms #1, " Get in where you fit in!"
    • Each Shazzy Fitness exercise routine is energetically paced to family-oriented Hip-Hop music that will take your workout to a higher level. 
    niecyisms #2, "Dance like no one is watching you."
    • Why subscribe to fitness center memberships when you can enjoy a Shazzy Fitness workout anywhere? 
    niecyisms #3, "Have DVD, will travel." 
    • The rhythmic and uplifting music and message that contemporary Christian Hip-Hop music featured on the Shazzy Fitness DVDs is appropriate for listeners and dancers of all ages and delivers a message worthy of sharing.
    niecyisms #4, "Music is the soundtrack of life."

    • "Shazzy Fitness is a contemporary dance fitness program that complements the busy lifestyle of today’s Christian. We offer fun and convenient dance workouts that are divinely inspired, yet unapologetically funkafied. Our program is specifically designed for real people who love the idea of dancing to hip-hop music that is both inspired and inspiring."
    niecyisms #5, Shazzy Fitness says, "Move, Groove, Amen."

    Check Out Vera's Intro to #ShazzyFit Workout Day 2 - Victory

    Shazzy Fitness Disclaimer: Safety first - we strongly recommend that all participants consult with a physician before beginning this or any exercise program. Go at your own pace and stop immediately if you feel any physical discomfort.

    Stay tuned for my pics and posts on my/our #ShazzyFit Challenge. For more information about the Shazzy Fitness DVD's please visit here and check out MoveGrooveAmen for more videos, healthy living advice and fitness tips. Are you up for the challenge? 

    Send in your stories and pics and remember to hashtag- #ShazzyFit! - See more at: http://niecyisms.blogspot.com/#sthash.j0j0PS5Y.dpuf
