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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Day 1 - #40BAGSIN40DAYS Challenge

Photo Credit: whitehouseblackshutters.com
Let's Go!  #40bagsin40days

There is absolutely no question about my participation. The #40bagsin40days challenge from Ann Marie at whitehouseblackshutters.com has niecyisms written all over it. The thought process is simple, we are cluttering our homes, our lives and most importantly, our minds with all of the excess baggage that we are holding on to. Why do we keep so much irrelevant stuff?  If only we knew... The reasons for our clutter range from clinging to sentimental memoriesif the past to idealistic visions of potential use.  Are these reasons or are they excuses?

The truth is that regardless of the reasons or excuses, the clutter and the chaos that it brings is counterproductive to our success.  The exception to the rule being the reality TV show Hoarders and the waste removal crews that they hire. For the rest of us, the general population- we can do better. Here's how to be an all-star bag lady or lad for the time being. 

Grab a Bag

This is the first step and a test of your committment to the task at hand.  The test?  What type of bag will you choose to use for the challenge?  Are you using the same type of bag each day? Can you  fill up two bags on one day and skip the next day?  All great questions and I am certain that you also have really great answers as well.  I'm a organization-loving free spirit.  My challenge to you, should you choose to accept- #40bagsin40days. Make it happen.

Do Tell

Let your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and anyone else that will stop and listen to you know about your participation in the #40bagsin40days challenge. Leave a comment below for support and encouragement for us too. The challenge coincides with the observance of Lent, where observers spend a period of 40 days to sacrifice, reflect and repent, did i mention that Sundays are Cheat Days?  Woo Hoo!

Make it Happen & Make It Stick

We create our own environmental and emotional barriers to leading a rewarding and fulfilling life. It's time to say, "No more!"  I mean it. Say, "No more!"  Take the challenge and make a change. Live simply.   You can do this!  I can do this!  Give it a go today on Day 1 and let me know that I am not alone.  Who's with me on this one?  Add your commitment in the comments!

Oh! Did I mention that as of today there are exactly 3 days remaining until Cheat Day!  

Say It, Do It, Share It! #40bagsin40days


  1. This sounds like a good idea. My problem is I've already cleaned out almost every space in the place. We downsized when we moved here several years ago. Since then, we have a regular routine of sorting ... save, throw or donate. With two major moves in 15 years, I don't want "too much" of anything, ever again. Good luck with yours though!

    1. Thank you for the well wishes Cheryl! I agree with you completely that "too much" is too much. We are going to start with the #40bagsin40days challenge and hopefully maintain organization. My ultimate goal is the 100 Things Challenge. Less is more! All The Best! Denise


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