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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Featured Book Review: Always Going by Gwen Campbell

Can you remember where your most treasured memories in your life have taken place? Friends' names, favorite places, special occasions? There are particular memories that we are instantly able to recall vividly, most often these recollections hold a lasting connection to the past for us. Our memory's connections intimately touch a special place in our hearts or sentimentally bring a tear to the eye, these memories converge to comprise our life stories.

The lifestory narrated on the pages of Always Going by author Gwen Campbell convey her meaningful remembrances of her vast assemblage of lasting connections to those idyllic people that crossed her path on the road as she was Always Going somewhere. The endearing charm of reading Campbell's memoir is the youthful innocence that drives the matured reflections. One such moment, "I carry my home with me, inside my memory, which is nice because I can live anywhere, feel at ease, be at home wherever I happen to be -- like a turtle."

Thoughts of the contents my life's legacy being chronicled in my own memoir were only natural after reading the intriguing episodes of Always Going. To share another favorite quote from the author, "This business of being able to sit around all day and do nothing is something foreign to us today: an unknown lost art." Where do you call home? Are you always going or happy to do nothing?

Author's Description I went here, there and everywhere, like a tumbleweed blowing.

Always going, somewhere!

A true story of survival and youthful resilience.

Join experienced author, Gwen Campbell as her compelling memoir reveals the intriguing story of her transitory life during the unpretentious days of the 1930’s and 40’s. You will experience her joys and feel her disappointment as she and her mother travel through quaint, dusty towns of southwest Texas, Oklahoma and California.

Discover small towns like Junction, Texas; “There was no hurry, no violence, and no worry in Junction. Voices were not raised except at mules and dogs. Whatever anger, illness or sadness that resided below the surface only jumped out now and then, like a fish cleaving the surface of a smooth running river. One jump, one splash and it was gone into the deep once more. I used Junction like medicine...”

In this true story of survival and youthful resilience discover how young Gwen learned to think of people not places as her home. “No house, no town, no part of the country could ever lay claim to me.”

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