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Featured Book Review: Too Much Information by David Haskell

Author's Description
In an era of terrorism and pandemics, with constant threats from differing but equally destructive sources, Thermo-Magnetic Imaging machines represent a seemingly perfect solution. But as privacy and health concerns grow ever more complex, this cutting edge technology delivers more than anyone had bargained for. While the forces behind the scenes fight to conceal their true agenda, the public struggles to cope with a new paradigm so invasive their innermost secrets are laid bare under its powerful lens.

Rob Folsom is a civil liberties activist, a staunch defender of privacy rights. Rosa Perez, a government agent specializing in surveillance, seems an unlikely candidate for him to represent. As Rob is pulled into her world, a world of high-tech spying, corporate intrigue, and black ops government agencies, he becomes caught in a perilous game of cat and mouse. As the target of interest switches from client to advocate, Rob has to find a way to stop them before they sabotage everything he has worked for....
Creatively descriptive in painting the scene for the captivating story that is yet to unfold, Too Much Information reels you in from the first chapter and keeps you hooked until the very last word. David Haskell's newest political thriller, Too Much Information brings a well-developed plot and cleverly crafted characters to a precarious existence. The progressive pace of action is steadily peaking to a brilliant conclusion that will leave residual thoughts of governmental conspiracy theories in the mind of readers.  Too Much Information is a certainly a thought-provoking work of white collar conspiracy and suspense.

With the revealing of each intriguing detail of the suspenseful twists and shocking turns of events, Rosa, Rob and the climate of governmental secrecy and cover-ups captivates.  As I read Too Much Information, the mundane everyday world that I encounter on a daily basis became secondary.  The skilled writing style of Haskell is first-class, Too Much Information is a stand out in its genre.  Surprising conspirators, innovative technologies and brilliant writing combine to make Too Much Information a must-read novel.

I have received a copy of Too Much Information for the purpose of completing this review.  As the owner of this blog, niecyisms' Creative Learning, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. - See more at: http://niecyisms.blogspot.com/p/disclosure-policy-for-niecyisms.html#sthash.yr9jIRrD.dpuf

For more info about David Haskell and Too Much 

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  1. I still have to read the book but now I am more encouraged to do so.

    1. Hi Mary!
      Too Much Information does not disappoint. Honestly a great read. Enjoy!

  2. Excellent review, which makes me want to read it for sure.

  3. Looks like a thriller! Adding to my list!

  4. Great review. It sounds very interesting!

  5. I love reading things that the powers that be don't exactly want you to know. Thank you


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