Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Featured Review | Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream

Sometimes, pain just seems to try to get the best of me. With a busy schedule, there's no room to allow for pain to get the best of me. Noxicare™ Natural Pain Relief is a breakthrough natural, patented pain relief formula that is a proprietary combination of seven of the world’s most potent natural pain relievers that quickly and effectively alleviate inflammation, muscle aches and nerve pain (burning feet)—with NO known side effects and without a prescription. 

Thank you to the promotional team from Noxicare for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

Featured Review | Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream

Living in the Northeastern section of the country has certainly put my shoveling, sledding and ice walking talents to the test.  While there is an undeniable beauty to behold as the first delicate snowflakes begin to dance lightly in the frosty air, after those delicate snowflakes begin to accumulate into depths that rival the height of my toddler, the beauty tends to fade.  The tedious task of clearing our walkways to safely enter and exit our home and cars takes a toll on the body. Waking up in the morning after spending a vigorous hour of shoveling in frigid temperatures is a hurting feeling.  

To remedy, my fatigued muscles as I prepared for a repeat performance of my World Class shoveling skills, I decided to pass on the over the counter oral pain medication. Having not eaten any breakfast yet, it was absolutely not an option to ingest medication on an empty stomach. Following a hot shower, I opted to apply Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream to my aching muscles. "Noxicare Cream provides safe, effective relief from acute and chronic pain." The non-greasy formula of Noxicare Cream is odorless, fast-acting and long-acting. As per the instructions, I applied the pain relieving cream generously on both of my shoulders and arms. I began my day without a second thought about my overworked body.

The credit for the development of Noxicare is merited to Dr. Reza Ghorbani, MD ABIPP, FIPP, a Harvard trained and Board Certified Interventional Pain Management Specialist.  The active natural ingredients that have proven effective in pain relief are Alpha Lipoic Acids, Boswellia Extract, Ginger Extract, Holy Basil Extract, Rosemary Extract, Tumeric Extract and Willow Bark Extract among other inactive ingredients. The antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and analgesic ingredients are all paraben-free. My personal application offers a highly favorable pain-relieving experience. 

With a husband, a teen, a tween and a toddler and daily schedule that leaves little down time, pain is not an option. Being that I woke up feeling the aftermath of the Polar Vortex in our front yard, I proceeded through my day without realizing there was no need for reapplication of the pain relief cream. The efficiency of Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream was evident almost instantly and provided sufficient relief from my pain after a single application.  

Interested in a natural remedy for pain relief? This natural cream may safely be used every day, and will help relieve pain associated with joints and muscles, inflammation, musculoskeletal disorders, neuropathy, and is safe for everyday use. Take a look at Noxicare Natural Pain Relief Cream.  

I have received a gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. As the owner of the digital content published via niecyisms, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the writer/owner of this blog receives compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. 



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