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Keep Up with the #ShazzyFit Challenge Day 4 Recap

Have you been keeping up with the #ShazzyFit Challenge?  I am proud to say that I am fulfilling my commitment to participate in the challenge and I am not alone.  Not only are there challengers all across the country taking the time to enjoy the #ShazzyFit Challenge, but I have inspired my family to get fit too.  While it is just the greatest pleasure to see my three year old up and dancing alongside me, he has to give mommy a little room to move.  Shazzy Fitness' Vera and Apollo are all about moving!

Shazzy Fitness is a high energy dance workout that is choreographed to Christian Hip-Hop music. The workout is family-friendly, designed for all dance abilities and will get your heart pumping. I have had such a great workout each day that I refuse to let my DVDs collect dust after the challenge has ended.   The lively pace of the guided dance workout accompanied by the rhythmic Christian Hip-Hop music has our entire family keeping in step. 

Here is a recap of the #ShazzyFit Challenge-

DAY 1 - THU MAR 05

DAY 1 - WED MAR 05
Genesis Workout
DVD: In the Beginning
DAY 2 - THU MAR 06
Victory Workout
  • DVD: In the Beginning
  • Twitter Party w/ Vera, 8.30 - 9.30pm EST #ShazzyFit,@ShazzyFitness, @DANCEtasticLLC
DAY 3 - FRI MAR 07
Freedom Workout
DVD: A Time to Dance

DAY 4 - SAT MAR 08
Triumph Workout
DVD: A Time to Dance

Here is Apollo Starting Off #ShazzyFit Challenge Day 4 Triumphant Workout
Shazzy Fitness Disclaimer: Safety first - we strongly recommend that all participants consult with a physician before beginning this or any exercise program. Go at your own pace and stop immediately if you feel any physical discomfort.

Stay tuned for my pics and posts on my/our #ShazzyFit Challenge. For more information about the Shazzy Fitness DVD's please visit here and check out MoveGrooveAmen for more videos, healthy living advice and fitness tips. Are you up for the challenge? 

Send in your stories and pics and remember to hashtag- #ShazzyFit! - See more at: http://niecyisms.blogspot.com/#sthash.j0j0PS5Y.dpuf

- See more at: http://niecyisms.blogspot.com/2014/03/5-reasons-shazzyfit-challenge-is-for-you.html#sthash.DQ9YYMY2.dpuf
