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Thank You Kirsten for niecyisms' Liebster Award Nomination!

Thank you to the lovely Kirsten from kirstenwomack.com
for nominating me for a Liebster Award!

How it works:

You list 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.

You then nominate 11 other bloggers (with less than 200 followers) and give them 11 questions to answer! 

Enough of the official information, let's get to the good stuff!

11 Random Facts About Me:

1. Yellow is such a cheerful and happy color that really does motivate and rejuvenate me, also my signature color.

2. We recently had a new addition to our family- actually two new additions. We now have two rescue cats, a beautiful, elegant black cat, Karma and her feisty baby tuxedo cat, Kismet.

3. My husband's birthday is December 18th an my birthday is December 19th. He's 2 years and a day older than I am.

4. Our children's names all begin with the letter "D".

5. The Great Wall of China, Australia and The Mall of America are on my "Bucket List".

6. I studied French and Latin in Middle School because of a programming error and then a schedule conflict. J'em appelle Denise. E Pluribus Unum. (That was some time ago!)

7. My first childhood pet was a German Shepherd named Sensei, he was so gentle that I remember riding on his back like a pony.

8. If cheese is an option, I will almost always go for the cheese and I have raised my kids likewise.

9. Calendars, charts, checklists and storage containers can always put a smile on my face. I am an organizer and clutter drives me insane. 

10. Theme songs are the best! I can not resist sing along with a fun theme song.

11. Our family has had many blessings and many challenges in the past. We may not always be happy but we are always family. We have Faith, family and friends to help keep us together. We are blessed. I am blessed.

Kirsten's questions for Liebster Award Nominees:

Ladies, if you choose to accept this Liebster Award nomination I’ll need you to answer the following Healthy Lifestyle Questions:

-If you could train for and compete in the Olympics what sport would you choose?

I would train to be a Professional Ribbon Dancer in the Olympics. And twirl...

-What is your favorite vegetable?

Dr. Oz says its kale.

-What is worse a pap test or getting a cavity filled?

Oh wow! Can I pass on both and have another serving of kale?

-Do you prefer aerobics or strength training?

Aerobics. Pump up the music!

-What is your favorite fruit?

Edible Arrangement everything. I'm PR Friendly too...

-Can you think of any positive influence or hope you could bring to the lives of people you care about if you changed 1 bad lifestyle habits to healthful ones?

Preventive Medical Screenings and Treatment. A must!

-What disease runs strong in your family history?

I guess various types of Heart Disease are most common in my family history.

-What healthy habit do you wish you could create for yourself and stick with?

Preventive medical screenings and treatment are where I have room for improvement.

-What sport or physical activity did you enjoy participating in as a kid?

I was a runner, the Track Team was lots of fun for me!

-What’s your favorite breakfast food?

Bacon. Yes, that is a complete sentence.

-Do you weigh more, less or the same as you did in High School?

I am honestly pretty close to the same weight as in High School. Thank you to my family that refuses to see me rest. Gotta love them!

Here are my nominees...











Here are your questions-

1. What was your first pet?

2. Who was your favorite childhood cartoon character?

3. Do you prefer tea or coffee?

4. Where did you last visit for your vacation?

5. What is your all time favorite movie and why?

6. What was your worst recipe fail? What was the outcome?

7. What is your favorite recreational activity?

8. How do you get dressed both socks, then both shoes or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?

9. Have you travelled internationally? Where?

10. Who did you last visit?

11. What is a necessary luxury in your dream home?

Remember the Rules: 

This award is for bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It works like this: you start by being nominated by a fellow blogger who likes what you have been posting, then you tell 11 random facts about yourself, and answer 11 questions. You then get to nominate 11 fellow bloggers and give them 11 questions to answer. 

Congratulations Bloggers! 

Have fun and comment below when you have re-posted I cannot wait to see who you nominate for a Liebster Award!


  1. Congrats on your award. I remember how excited I was when I recieved the Liebster! Did you know that Pampered Chef makes cuttouts so you can make your own Edible Arrangement? So cool!


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