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Celebrity Heroes Safe The Day - Safe Kids Day NYC

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Here is the Official niecyisms' Red Carpet Recap of Safe Kids Day NY where Celebrity Heroes and New York area families came together to on April 12 to "Safe The Day".  The sunny Saturday afternoon at Highline Stages in NYC was ideal for the celebration of the 2nd Annual Safe Kids Day.  Safe Kids Worldwide enlisted the support of Celebrity Heroes and many corporate sponsors to facilitate increased involvement in the Safe Kids Day campaign.  Through the efforts of Safe Kids Worldwide, the Safe Kids Day initiative is a means of raising awareness globally and financial support about preventable injuries, the number one killer of children in the United States. 

Getting ready to open the doors at #SafeKidsDay NYC!! pic.twitter.com/WC3mnWtZBb
 Safe Kids Day was a lively carnival of safety featuring interactive booths that invited families to participate in fun, educational activities and safety information.   Special invited guests invited to participate as Safe Kids Day Celebrity Heroes included Cristen and Nigel Barker (The Face) with Jack and Jasmine [pictured left], Alysia Reiner (Orange Is The New Black) and David Basche (The Exes), [pictured center] and  Robert and Cortney Novogratz (Home by Novogratz) with daughters Bellamy and Tallulah [pictured right].

1. Tug on your kid’s car seat where the seat belt goes.
Britax- Click the Fortune Teller

If it moves more than 1” at the base, tighten it up.  About 73% of car seats are not installed correctly, but we can show you how to make sure your kid’s ride is safe. SafeKids.org/carseat

2Secure furniture and TVs.

Sanus Flat Panel TV Anti-Tip Strap

Mount flat screens and keep bulky-style TVs on a low and stable base, or recycle them.  Every two weeks, a child dies from a television or furniture tip-over. Check your house for furniture a child might try to climb and for TVs that could topple.
3. Check smoke and CO alarms monthly.
NYFD Engine CO. 343

Replace devices every 10 years. Replace batteries every year. When a young child dies from a residential fire, a smoke alarm is usually either not present or not working because of dead or missing batteries. You can’t see, taste, or smell carbon monoxide, so your family needs both types of alarms.

4. Scan your home for places kids can get into medicine. 

Imagination Playground

It is pills in purses, vitamins on counters and medicine in daily reminder boxes that curious kids get into.  Every 8 minutes, a child goes to the ER for medicine poisoning, and almost 9 times out of 10, the medicine belongs to an adult. Look at your house from a child’s perspective to see what they can see or reach.

5. Check around your house for coin-sized button batteries.

They come in musical greeting cards, remote controls and key fobs. And of course, little kids pop them into their mouths in an instant. This happens more often than you 
might think: there are about 8 phone calls a day to poison control centers.

6.  Ask your kid’s coaches if they have had concussion or sports safety training.  
Chris Clark for Bell and DG

To keep kids staying active and enjoying sports, young  athletes and coaches need to know how to stay hydrated, stretch thoroughly, use the right equipment and recognize the signs and symptoms of concussions. 

7. Call to action: Take the Challenge and Take Action Against Distraction.  
Chevrolet Driving Challenge

Distraction impacts driving, walking, bath time, just about everything. Here’s our challenge: take a month to notice times when you or your kids are distracted. Help each other remember to put down the phone (or whatever is diverting you) and focus on looking out for each other.

To learn more about Safe Kids Worldwide and Safe Kids Day, visit safekids.org. - See more at: http://niecyisms.com/2014/04/lets-earn-your-cape-you-can-be-hero-and.html#more

A Special Thanks was given to the Safe Kids Day Supporters which was Presented by Children’s Tylenol, with support from the General Motors Foundation, FedEx, Chevrolet, and many other generous sponsors.
