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Featured Book Review: What's It Like, Living Green?


Have you given much thought to just how green your lifestyle would be considered as compared to other people? Did you even know that there are shades if green in environmentally friendly living? Sharing valuable environment awareness information to incorporate into lifestyles ranging from beginners with an absence of green to earthy forest green pros and every shade in between. Jill Ammon Vanderwood, a green living grandmother and author shares individual and family accounts of their actions toward reducing, reusing and recycling in What's It Like, Living Green? Kids Teaching Kids, By The Way They Live.
It is no secret that I have embraced the term "crunchy living" to represent our family's green ways to protect Earth's resources and to take care of our environment. The stories of the commendable actions that so many kids are taking to save our planet are not only inspiring, their messages are informative. These kids and families that are featured in What's It Like, Living Green? are leaders in a lifestyle that as implied by the title, is questionable by much of the general population. Sadly, many kids and adults are unaware of the many useful ways that are shared in this USA Book News Best Books Award Winner and Indie Excellence Book Awards Winner title. The timely conservation message delivered through practical advice and tips with lively, bright illustrations by teen illustrator, Emma Austin, is that we can all "Take A Green Leap!"

With the target population of younger readers aged 9 years old and up, I have to confess that I was so actively interested in every story and all of the gems of wisdom shared that I recommend What's It Like Living Green? Kids Teaching Kids, By The Way They Live for readers of all ages. The lessons learned will last a lifetime if we take action today. Now is the time to think, How Green Is My Family? Our family ranks somewhere between Leafy Green and Garden Green. Enjoy this read and share how your green living ranks.

Author's Description
What's it Like, Living Green? Kids Teaching Kids, By The Way They Live
 These days, there’s a lot of talk about going green, but does anyone actually do it? In What’s It Like Living Green? You’ll learn how other kids live green, along with tips on recycling, reusing and environmental awareness. Learn clean energy ideas as simple as putting on a sweater rather than turning up the heat. You’ll see how kids like you can save the earth. Meet a teenage girl who learned to drive with a car fueled by used cooking grease. Read about a boy who raised funds to build his first well to provide clean water for a whole village in Africa, when he was only seven years old. You will learn simple ways to help the environment, help others, and even earn some money.

I have received a copy of What's It Like, Living Green? Kids Teaching Kids, By The Way They Live for the purpose of completing this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms' Creative Learning, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
