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Animals Make Art at Fulcrum Gallery

Defining myself as a creative spirit with artistic ambition, I often contemplate the true function of art in our everyday lives. As uniquely and individually designed, as we each are, there is an innate appreciation in finding the comfort of a kindred soul.  An artist creates that visual connection through their interpretative representational images, their art. Each masterpiece stimulates an emotion that transcends all other barriers of diversity to bring about aesthetic harmony. 

Thank you to Fulcrum Gallery for the courtesy of providing promotional product for editorial content purposes.

Animals Make Art at Fulcrum Gallery

When searching for art, the function to be served is more reflective of the individual than the artist. There is a balance between seeing art as communication or as decoration, for its emotion or for its entertainment. As humans, we are the only creatures gifted with the talent to artistically manifest images for edification as well as expression. The function of art is secondary to the beauty of art at FulcrumGallery.com.

Photo Credit: niecyisms - Kismet
FulcrumGallery.com features a collection of hundreds of images in the Animal Wall Art that cross the spectrum from shaded sketches to vibrant lithographs of museum quality reproductions.  Immediately my search for cats delivered multitudes of cute and cuddly kittens, sleepy ginger cats, quirky tuxedo cats and whimsical feline illustrations each more delightful than the last.

Deciding on Vittorio Fiorucci's 100 Cats and a Mouse to decorate our playroom was based upon an instant attraction to the colorful abstract cats appealing to our toddler, our tween and apparently at least one of our two highly opinionated cats that share creative space collectively. I made ordered a laminated reproduction on unstretched canvas which I plan to personally frame in time. 

Final touches to the display space were just barely prepared before the prompt arrival of our print. More lively and impressive upon unboxing, the canvas print was meticulously rolled in sturdy craft paper which was placed in a triangular corrugated cardboard box for shipment. The complementary color scheme of 100 Cats and a Mouse added a brilliant focal point to the room's fun, bright decor.

Customer satisfaction is essential to FulcrumGallery.com and each custom order is individually created as designed. The Animal Wall Art selections which include just about everything from antelopes to zebras (yes, there are even unicorns and dragons), are just a segment of the affordable collections representative of practically every artistic style for home and business. Options available offer choices of lamination, canvas wrapping or stretching, brushstokes and framing preferences for each piece of artwork. 

Without reservation the laid back student and the esteemed art collector alike will find pieces to give function to their creative desires. My afficianados in training are quite satisfied with our selection. Visit FulcrumGallery.com for to create your masterpiece and find art's function in your life.

I have received Vittorio Fiorucci's 100 Cats and a Mouse for editorial content purposes. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms' Creative Learning, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links.  Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
