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Featured Book Review: Calling the Dead

Even after I finished reading the last line of Calling the Dead, Eusapia speaks. Eusapia Palladino, acclaimed Italian medium is the historical reference for the main character of R.K. Marfurt's haunting fictional novel, Calling the Dead. In life, Eusapia passed away in 1918, leaving many spiritualists and skeptics to keep her supernatural spirit alive after death. Based upon the 19th century life and times of Eusapia and relationships with those closest to her, particular events, details as well as characters are fabricated through the creative embellishment of Marfurt's artistic liberties.

Following her mother's death in the midst of childbirth and her negligent father's murder, Eusapia felt alone. Eusapia's mother gave her the gift of their special connection through love. This gift became a legacy, an ability that allowed Eusapia to communicate with people after their deaths. Eusapia learned that people carrying unanswered questions that her talents as a seer could help answer during seances. Blessed with spiritual gifts that Eustasia developed and refined with the guidance of other spiritualists, she became a much sought after, world renowned medium. 

Breathing new life into a century old story certainly resurrects ghosts of the past, incorporating the spirit of a psychic medium into the equation sums up to a compelling read. Calling the Dead reaches out for you and grabs hold of you in the arms of a tragically touching story. Marfurt's vividly developed character Eusapia creates an emotional connection with readers in Calling the Dead that spirits this thrilling book. As a new fan of the historical fiction genre and a devoted reader of paranormal experiences,  Calling the Dead stands as a truly captivating novel.  

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