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Proud Mom Guest Post from Donnie's Domain The Bug Blog Honey Bee Edition

To offer me the opportunity to enjoy a walk through a garden makes for an incredibly peaceful moment to marvel at the surreal beauty that is the cultivation of nature. I adore the great outdoors minus the creepy crawlies that will reduce me to tears as soon as the buzz and breeze announces their arrival. This is where we all will call upon our tween. He's our resident environmentalist, quick with facts, stats, and randomness on anything and everything. He currently holds the honor of being the first in our family to accurately ID the stinkbugs that have recently invaded our area. Yes, stinkbugs are real. Yes, stinkbugs really stink. 

Thank You to Safari Ltd. for sponsoring Donnie's Domain Bug Blog Review.

Guest Post from Donnie's Domain The Bug Blog Honey Bee Edition

It goes without saying that I will, without a doubt, require a big gulp of antihistamines, non-drowsy to prevent a narcoleptic-like episode, which is entertainment in itself. Following the meds, there is the comical vision of my botanical survival kit includes a rolling duffel bag overstuffed with facial tissues, allergy relieving eye drops, hand sanitizer, insect repellent, sunscreen and a squirt bottle of water to fend off those insects bold enough to occupy my outdoors. To my credit, the phobia freak-outs were not an inheritance of my tween. 

With that being said, I now introduce the extraordinary blogging talents of my very own tween. In the spirit of nepotism, he has somehow managed to keep his position as my Bug Blog Guest Blogger.  In the real world, he'd be one starving artist.

Without further adieu, Donnie's Domain presents Bug Blog Honey Bee Edition, the big reveal of his review of Safariology Science Life Cycle of a Honey Bee from Safari Ltd.    

Hi! It's Donnie! Here is some interesting information that I researched using the Safariology Science Collection- Life Cycle of a Honey Bee from Safari Ltd.                                                                                      
There are many different types of bees, but one of the most interesting types that I have studied is the honey bee. Honey Bees are one of the most popular species of bees because they can be found on almost every continent, with the exception of Antartica. It is very fascinating to know that Honey Bees are social insects that live in very large colonies and survive on a herbivore diet. Did you know that the average Queen Honey Bee grows to be about the size of a paperclip and can live for up to five years?  

Each type of Honey Bee has its own job in its colony. The only role of the queen bee is to lay eggs and she lives alone, isolated from the rest of the hive. Eggs which the queen lays will hatch into either workers bees or newborn queen bees. If the bee that hatched is a newborn queen, they are fed a special royal jelly and would have to live in their own separate area different from the current queen bee. 

The queen bee in the colony lays as many as 2,000 eggs that will become either queens, workers or drones. The majority of honey bees are classified as worker bees that feed the eggs that have hatched into larvae. The pupa that develop into worker bees are the only bees that have stingers. The female worker bees have one main role which is to protect the hive. Some of the pupa will become drones, male bees and their sole purpose is to mate with the queen bee which emerge from their pupa stage in about 6 days. If the adult drone Honey Bees do not mate with the queen before the winter season comes, they are forced out of the hive by the adult worker bees. If they do mate with the queen, then they die instantly. When the winter season comes, the bees cluster together to conserve warmth and eat the pollen and honey that they gathered and stored before the cold weather season.

Unidentified Hive Discovery
Honey Bees are the biggest honey producers out of all species of bees. They have a long tongue which is used for sucking nectar from plants. If a bee gets the nectar from a poisonous flower, then the honey would also be poisonous. Since honey has been largely consumed by humans, honey bee farms have become increasingly popular so honey could be mass produced for commercial use.

Fact or Fiction 

Is it fact or fiction that after stinging a person a Honey Bee will die?

I have received the Safariology Science Collection Life Cycle of a Honey Bee for the purpose of completing this review. 
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