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10 Hot Topics in Social Networking Know-How

Hello! It's so very nice to have the pleasure of making your acquaintance. What is your initial reaction at the sight of a invitation to attend either a professional or social networking event? Are you already mentally coordinating your outfit and matching accessories or are you thinking that you may have possibly read somewhere that your favorite breakfast cereal will be on sale and it is kinda urgent that you handle that pressing situation? How often is there a sale on cereal? Considering these noteworthy tips to get you going, both Type A and Type B personalities will be able to relate to the basic principles of social engagement with my favorite 10 hot topics in social networking know-how.

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10 Hot Topics in Social Networking Know-How

1- Know Your Stuff

Okay, the invitation has arrived, before you forward an RSVP, consider how much information you already know about the host. Does the host have a favorable reputation? Is the event being hosted in support of a celebration or cause? Know the term and conditions prior to deciding on your level of commitment, there are possible risks and benefits that should be evaluated carefully.

2- Play the Part

While you may not be requested to strut your stuff down the catwalk, there is no need to live by the "come as you are" creed. Strive to make a positive impression by taking the time to prepare clean, appropriate attire for the occasion. Self-confidence will be at an all-time high when you are well-groomed and feeling most confident about yourself.

3- Talk the Talk

Even if you choose to quilt comfy blankets for stray kittens and puppies or reconstruct your patio deck using craft sticks in your spare time, try to stay current. There is no need to transform into a talk show host to inform and entertain as you hold court. A point to keep in mind is that a basic knowledge of current events in the news, business trends and even pop culture will help to break the ice and keep you "in the know".

4- Stand Tall and Smile

Nobody knows the trouble you've seen. Use this event as a time to step aside from the everyday life events that can take a toll on our sanity. With all of the nobility of the Commander in Chief, stride in with a strong step and give a pleasant acknowledgement to those you encounter as you enter.

5- See Eye to Eye

There may be a frenzy of activity, there may be a single soul greeting your arrival, either way, the rule of thumb applies. The rule of thumb? If I'm speaking to you, then I'm looking at you. There is nothing flattering about taking part in a conversation with a distracted participant. Failure to look at a person's face can be considered poor body language, insincere and just plain rude, which couldn't possibly be on your agenda.

6- Play by House Rules

Basic etiquette will always win over and impress those around you. Social events are the perfect occasion to take a break from the norm, with the exception of common courtesy. Give the best representation of yourself and exercise those primary lessons in good manners. You can only guess who is watching you, give them your prime performance.

7- Lend an Ear

Resorting to my early childhood education background, I will share this valued gem of advice. We have two ears and one mouth, therefore, it stands to reason that we are to do twice as much listening as we do talking. This can be a difficult equation to apply to ourselves, it is very easy to stray to either excessive talking with limited effective listening and vice versa. Find the balance and make it work for you.

8- Travel Light

Burdening yourself with excess baggage is a hindrance to the ability to move, talk and interact freely. Take only what is essential to the event eliminating the anchor effect of carrying the emotional weight of the world or the physical weight of surplus supplies. Free yourself and free your mind to benefit most from mingling.

9- Keep It Moving

Temptation to find a comfort zone and settle there is very high. Challenge yourself to make a concerted effort to expand your horizons and conquer new territories. Approach a minimum of 3 new people and initiate conversation. Remember to come prepared with business cards or other means to exchange contact information.

10- Put the You in Thank You

Concluding the occasion with an expression of appreciation to the host for the invitation either prior to departure or as a post event follow-up is common practice. The gesture is a courtesy to be extended for your invitation to the event, regardless of your personal opinions as to the success or failure of the event.

Let's get this party started! Here's your invitation- Share your tricks of the trade for successful networking. Looking forward to your attendance.

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