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Before Your Teen Gets Behind the Wheel, Toyota's #TeenDrive365 Teen Driver Safety Clinic

Seeing my precious, not-so-little-any-more, baby girl behind the wheel of our car took me on an emotional roller coaster ride. I was beyond ecstatic to have reached this parental milestone and achievement in her life meanwhile, at the same time the butterflies in my stomach were all in a frantic frenzy.

Toyota #TeenDrive365 Teen Driver Safety Clinic

As a new driver, I wanted my daughter to enjoy her new level of independence, yet I wanted to know that she was best prepared for the responsibilities and risks of sharing the road with other drivers.  It was a very different experience for me as a new driver, there was an absolute 0% chance of me receiving a text or phone call (imagine that!) while I was in the car. The urgent need for music, food, entertainment and socialization just did not factor in as heavily as I hopped behind the wheel of the car. Distracted driving has become an increasingly dangerous factor to drivers, passengers and pedestrians each day.

To address my concerns for our daughter's safety and preparedness for the miles that she will travel, we have registered to participate in Toyota's Teen Drive 365 Teen Driver Safety Clinic. Through this informative program, Toyota will help families to educate teens and parents through Toyota's Teen Driver Safety Clinics. Let's bridge the generational gap as well as the communication gap by establishing a safe driving agreement that we both agree to uphold. As parents, our children will be most successful in achieving a goal when following the example demonstrated by those closest to them, their family.

This interactive clinic will cover topics such as:
  • Defensive driving "universal truths" and best practices
  • Understanding your vehicle’s performance dynamics
  • Dangerous driving distractions and how to avoid them
  • Car operations, safety features and basic maintenance fundamentals
  • Communication and coaching tips for parents and teens
  • Mutual driving agreements for pre-driver/new-driver teens and their parents
Take the lead and show initiative by allowing a trained, professional instructor to provide an interactive course sharing information on road safety, car care and so many more valuable vehicle safety resources. The Teen Drive 365 Teen Driver Safety Clinic is free for all participants and registration is required. Sign up today to attend one of the select Toyota Teen Driver Safety Clinics at your local Toyota dealership. 

Disclosure: “I am a member of the Stiletto Media Blogger Network. This is a sponsored post written for #TeenDrive365 and the Toyota Teen Driver Safety Clinic. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein are my own." 

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