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Enduring Lessons and Love Triumph in Elderly Parents With All Their Marbles

My greatest, illogical fear is my fear of death. Know that just as we all live and breathe, death is inevitable is just a difficult concept for me to accept. It always has been a challenge for me and hopefully will in time become more easily accepted than feared. Reading Elderly Parents With All Their Marbles - A Survival Guide for the Kids, the real life story of author Pamela Carey lovingly relates the personal accounts and lessons learned on her journey with own aging parents. 

What Carey does best is create a beautiful balance between the technical, concrete caregiver survival guide rules and the loving, thorough care of a devoted daughter. Rare is it to find such an effective combination of these two vastly separate aspects. Largely, non-fictional stories rely greatly on personal experiences yet offer very little in terms of informational resources. Following a sudden medical crisis, Carey assumed the responsibilty of becoming the primary caregiver for her parents, "who cared for me in their every waking hour until I could return the favor."

Sharing her point of view following the experience of evolving from concerned daughter to medical advocate, the survival guide illustrates 49 rules full of emotionally informative advice. One of the rules, particularly directed toward the Baby Boomer generation that might be in the midst of caring for or seeking care for elderly parents is "Rule Forty Four: Get familiar with medical legalese." That's definitely valuable advice from a trustworthy source. Elderly Parents With All Their Marbles - A Survival Guide for the Kids is recommended reading for all families as unfortunately we all must take actions and face our fears.

How do you find the courage to face your fears? 

Elderly Parents with All Their Marbles: A Survival Guide for the KidsElderly Parents with All Their Marbles: A Survival Guide for the Kids by Pamela Carey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reading Elderly Parents With All Their Marbles - A Survival Guide for the Kids, the real life story of author Pamela Carey lovingly relates the personal accounts and lessons learned on her journey with own aging parents.

What Carey does best is create a beautiful balance between the technical, concrete caregiver survival guide rules and the loving, thorough care of a devoted daughter. Rare is it to find such an effective combination of these two vastly separate aspects. Largely, non-fictional stories rely greatly on personal experiences yet offer very little in terms of informational resources. Following a sudden medical crisis, Carey assumed the responsibilty of becoming the primary caregiver for her parents, "who cared for me in their every waking hour until I could return the favor."

Sharing her point of view following the experience of evolving from concerned daughter to medical advocate, the survival guide illustrates 49 rules full of emotionally informative advice. One of the rules, particularly directed toward the Baby Boomer generation that might be in the midst of caring for or seeking care for elderly parents is "Rule Forty Four: Get familiar with medical legalese." That's definitely valuable advice from a trustworthy source. Elderly Parents With All Their Marbles - A Survival Guide for the Kids is recommended reading for all families as unfortunately we all must take actions and face our fears.

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