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Save More, Spend Less with My Money Mailer Money-Saving Tips

I am participating in this campaign as a member of The Niche Parent Network & Conference in partnership with Money Mailer. All opinions are my own.
My kids already know the routine, although they often try to test the limits. Our niecyisms and nestlings mandate clearly states, (and by clearly states I mean because I say so) if the impulse item that you absolutely must have is not on sale or we do not have a coupon, then it's not in the budget, keep it moving kid. It may seem to be harsh parenting to another family, however we have yet to raise a financially responsible or realistic child, but we still ambitiously dream. My husband and I love our kids beyond explanation, however we also love having money in the bank and the occasional tropical vacation. 
Our family has amassed considerable savings by clipping coupons, using Money Mailer coupons and mobile app. To quote some facts and figures, which I love to do, according to a recent Inmar study, coupon use has remained steady in 2013 at 2.9 billion retailer coupons having been redeemed.

During the time of the year when kids are heading back to school, it typically means that families are comparison shopping at stores to find the necessary clothing and school materials for their children. However, I am a testament to the fact that it does not mean parents need to mindlessly spend incredible amounts of money. 
Here's the a-ha money-saving moment. I'm sharing a few of my best couponing tips that smart shoppers should keep in mind to help them get the best deals for their money.

Know Store Coupon Policies

More coupons either clipped or digital means more savings. Yes, please! Do a little CSI style investigating. Maybe that's a bit much, but as consumers, we should focus on shopping at stores that accept competitors’ coupons, honor double or triple of the coupons value and offer rain checks for out-of-stock merchandise. Take a moment to look at a store’s website to learn more about their coupon policy. 

Browse Store Circulars

I actually happy dance when I see the circulars that arrive in our mailbox. My husband is way too happy to grab a snack and take leisurely sort through those glossy inserts. We do best when we spend a little time matching the sales with the coupons before we get to the store to help us save both time and finances.

Plan Your Shopping Trip

As a super saver, I always strategize my plan of action before going to the store. If a coupon doesn’t specify a size, it's most economical to buy the smallest, least expensive product. While shopping in the store, oftentimes the store has coupon dispensers in the aisles, take a look for useful coupons for items that you are purchasing. It is also a great idea to separate your order into multiple transactions if there is more than one coupon for spending a certain dollar amount. For example if you have more than one, $15 off a purchase of $50 coupon, create a second $50 purchase.

Try To Avoid

• Using coupons to purchase unnecessary items
• Confusing size requirements and guidelines
• Saving coupons that can be used sale items
• Missing coupon stacking opportunities
• Neglecting to read store coupon policies

For more money saving coupons and mobile app download information visit Money Mailer.

What are some of your favorite money-saver tips?

I have received a Money Mailer incentive for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
