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This Skinny Girl Quits Skinny with Quit Skinny! 7 Simple Sane Steps to Wellness

Quit Skinny? Why would anyone want to quit skinny? What logic is there to a skinny girl quitting skinny? One of the most definitive quotes in author Connie R. Clay's newly released wellness book, "Quit Skinny! 7 Simple Sane Steps to Wellness"*, shares so much wisdom in a single sentence. Steve Maraboli is quoted as explaining, "By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgement." That is how this skinny girl also decided to "quit skinny"! 
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First and foremost, I have to disclose that I have had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Clay during a conference that we both attended recently. During the three day conference of professional development workshops, breakout sessions and mastermind roundtables for bloggers, never once did she steal the spotlight to even mention or promote an upcoming wellness book. As a humble and spiritual woman, this speaks volumes of her character. It was only after the connections were made, farewells said and everyday routines resumed, (with the exception of our family lingering in the warmth of the Florida sunshine) that I learned about Quit Skinny. I was intrigued to learn more for two reasons- firstly, I am an early childhood educator and reading and literacy are my niche, personal passions of mine, secondly, wellness is of relevance to everyone without discrimination. 

The power of the wounded healer rings exceptionally true in reading Quit Skinny. The well-developed and easy to follow dialogue is congruent with Clay's professional expertise as an attorney in addition to her writing and speaking engagements. Delivering sound advice from both personal experiences and observations combined with meticulous research, the wealth of information is easily applied to our daily living. The foundation of Quit Skinny was established upon the personal cell phones notes jotted during a journey to wellness which certainly many have also pursued sometimes with success, often times unsuccessfully. 

Enduring various health issues that plagued the author for so many years during her pursuit toward the "perfect-on-paper", yet unrealistic body weight goal, Clay determined her own definition of wellness. In Quit Skinny, wellness is defined as "feeling your best your best mentally and physically, and being able to engage in activities you enjoy". Remember to consult a physician before beginning this or any wellness program and maintain regular routine care. The concise and guided steps illustrated are both simple and sane. Every aspect of Quit Skinny is carefully structured and delivers motivational, positive lifestyle changes and the scientific research supporting the benefits. While reading Quit Skinny, I immediately connected with the genuine, firsthand personal accounts of Ms. Clay's wellness plan. Her honesty motivated me to strive towards my own wellness and thanks to her motto, "I've tried it all but you don't have to."

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For a limited time only, author Connie Clay is offering niecyisms and nestlings readers an exclusive 65% discount off of the retail price of Quit Skinny! 7 Sane Simple Steps to Wellness

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About the author:
Connie R. Clay spent years trying diets and weight loss schemes. These plans left her tired, unhealthy, anxious and pre-diabetic. Frustrated with how she looked and felt, Connie decided to find or create a wellness plan. After reading several books and experimenting, she discovered seven wellness principles that helped her to lose 45 pounds and get in the best shape of her life. Connie wanted other women to experience the joy of getting healthy without focusing on the scale, so she wrote Quit Skinny!
Connie is the mother of two adult daughters, caregiver to her mother, practicing attorney and serial entrepreneur. She is from Virginia Beach, Virginia and lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her family. She is a graduate of Howard University and the University of Virginia School of Law.
Connie's motto is "I've tried it all, but you don't have to." Through writing, speaking and mentoring, Connie helps women learn simple steps to wellness, time management, single parenting, and integrity in the workplace. 
Connie's hobbies include reading, traveling domestically and internationally, thrifting and container gardening. 

I have received Quit Skinny! 7 Simple Sane Steps to Wellness for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links.  Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. - See more at: http://www.niecyisms.com/p/disclosure-policy-for-niecyisms.html#sthash.LBTnnthr.dpuf
