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Go for an Easy Win - Show Boogie Wipes "Motherhood is Snot Easy"

Go for an Easy Win Boogie Wipes “Motherhood’s Snot Easy” Contest

Take out your video camera and let's catch them in action! Each month 10 lucky moms will be selected to win a year’s supply of Boogie Wipes and one grand-prize winner will receive a 6-day Walt Disney Cruise for a family of four.

Can anyone relate to the not-so fab moments of motherhood? From wiping those little gunky noses to changing those little lovely diapers and let's not mention the years of lost sleep, Boogie Wipes® knows that motherhood is snot easy. To honor moms and create an opportunity for priceless home video footage, Boogie Wipes® is sponsoring the "Motherhood is Snot Easy” contest. Each month ten families will win a year’s supply of Boogie Wipes®, one case per month. And, in May 2015 a grand-prize winner will be chosen to win a 7-day Walt Disney Cruise for four.

The hilarious submissions for the “Motherhood is Snot Easy” contest are guaranteed to generate lots of humorous moments all around the country. To start the entry process, moms must get out the video camera and record their darling children answering the following four questions, capturing what children really think about moms in priceless videos. 

Ready to roll? Moms ask your kids each of the following:

1. What does mommy cook for you at dinnertime?
2. What type of clothes does mommy like to wear?
3. What does mommy do all day? Is she busy?
4. Does mommy pick her nose?

When your family's video submission is complete it can be uploaded on the Boogie Wipes® contest page to complete the entry process. For rules, regulations and full entry details for the “Motherhood is Snot Easy” contest visit: www.boogiewipes.com.

Get the Camera! Get the Kids! Get Boogie Wipe Busy!  
