Has the Christmas spirit and shopping already filled your home? This is that wonderful, magical time of the year when visitors from all around the world happily assemble at Macy's Herald Square to delight in the Christmas Village overflowing with gleaming holiday treasures for a special visit with Santa Claus. Macy's Santaland Express guests eagerly board the magical train to pass through North Pole villages and snow-covered fields on their way to personally visit Santa. Naughty or nice, here's the secret to seeing Jolly Ole St. Nick. Reserve your Express Pass on the Santaland Express at Macy's while you can!
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Reserve Your Express Pass on the Santaland Express
After arriving at the North Pole, Santa’s elves happily greet passengers coming into The Welcome Station. Santa’s little helpers are most informative about Santaland, and can update families with the approximate length of wait time to see the Mr. Claus.
Santa's friendly elves will personally escort all of the delighted children into Santa Claus’s home, where the jolly old St. Nick awaits. There will undoubtedly be little need for a reminder to your child to be ready for their precious moment to share their Christmas list with Santa.

Each child receives a special little keepsake from Santa to commemorate their Santaland visit. Santa is ready to greet visitors, whether they have nice or not-as-nice, each day through Christmas Eve, at Macy's Herald Square in New York City, as well as Chicago, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.
An Express Pass is available for guests to save time by scheduling a reservation to see Santa. For reservations, visit Macy's Holiday Celebrations for Santaland. Reservations can be made prior to meeting Santa. One appointment is allowed per customer, please include every member of your party (adults and children) going into the attraction when making your reservation. For further information about Macy’s Santaland, please visit Macys.com.
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