Featured Editorial

Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

'Tis the Season for Sharing Santa's Secrets for Holly Jolly Fun

Can you keep a secret? I am so sorry but I absolutely cannot keep a good secret, so I am sharing some of Santa's secrets with you. Only the purest of heart can enjoy the wonders of Santa and the mystical, elfish secret magic that happens within the confines of the North Pole's elusive Santa's Workshop. With a little investigative reporting, I have been able to get a sneak peek into the seasonal secret happenings at the North Pole.
Can you believe that Santa's sleigh will soon be loaded up and delivering lots of toys and goodies to excited children awaiting his arrival? Share this recipe for Magic Reindeer Food and this is actual footage obtained from Santa's Official Reindeer Live Feed Reindeer Cam?

Wish us luck as we are discouraging materialism within our family, with" "The Four Gift Rule"Will The Four Gift Holiday Gift-Giving Guide work for you this holiday season?

Our toddler now has an understanding of Santa, Christmas fun and a selective comprehension of our family's rules. Sometimes "Busy" needs a little reminder and Santa's Official Nice List Guide is just what we need. How cool is it for our tween to have a matching copy displayed on our refrigerator for all of his friends to see. Hmmmm... Parental manipulation at it's finest.

Has your little one written a letter and is all ready to send their letter to Santa Claus? I have the address to make sure that letter is delivered to the North Pole. Here is Santa's address-

Santa Claus
325 S. Santa Claus Lane
North Pole, Alaska 99705

Santa will also send a personalized letter to your child with a little help from moms and dads. I received this information from helpful elves and have no affiliation with any of these links. I advise that parents informatively share personal information such as your child's name, age and location with extreme discretion for your family's personal safety.

It's only fair that I also share the secret phone number to Santa's Personal Hotline connecting kids to the big guy himself too. Your kids can leave Santa a personal message when asked for their wish list. Give him a call at (951)-262-3062 for a special message!

Share these secret links to create a personalized video from Santa Claus with your family and friends. Get up to date tracking of all of Santa's whereabouts beginning in December from NORAD which is a longtime family favorite in our house.

Those sweet and friendly little elves are scrambling about on shelves and getting back to busy business. Take a peek at our Holiday Gift Guide and top picks for all-occasion gifts
