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Splash Math Educational Apps Add Up to Success for Kids

Thank you to Mom Buzz Media and StudyPad Inc for sponsoring this review.  All opinions expressed are completely my own.

Are you raising tiny little technotots? As an educator and a parent, recreational games and apps are not necessities on the must-have list in our household, yet educational apps are fair game.  Recently, SplashMath became the newest buzz in the app circuit and my family took some time to put these free math apps to the test. Check out our reviews!

Thumb_kindergarten_math_appOur three year old is currently being homeschooled for Pre-K and shows great interest in the fun, interactive number and counting skills activities. The basic beginner level math concepts are both engaging and educational. This is a very well developed and structured math app for early learners to achieve a primary level of comprehension of math skills!

Thumb_splash_math_app_grades_1-5As an educational consultant and a parent, educational apps that help kids to gain a better understanding of basic concepts in academic subjects are highly recommended. The repetitive concept activities and  lively reinforcement of basic math facts are presented in a manner to supplement curriculum goals. This is a very creative and resourceful educational math app for kids!

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