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The Royal Presentation of Princess Nevaeh Teaching Life Skill Lessons by Author Paulette Harper


It is such an honor to have the privilege of sharing this enchanting tale of Princess Nevaeh - Lessons on Self Discovery. Using teachable moments to share these essential life skills becomes key to our children's ability to utilize these lessons throughout life. Princess Nevaeh makes learning a lesson that we all can relate to and enjoy time and time again.

Thank you to the promotional team for Paulette Harper for the courtesy of providing a review copy for editorial content purposes.

 Welcome to Happy Geek Media's Debut of 
Princess Nevaeh by Author Paulette Harper

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Princess Nevaeh by Author Paulette Harper
Genre: Children's Books
Release date: September 4, 2014
4 - 7 K - 3
34 pages

princess-navaeh-book-tour-1Princess Nevaeh by Author Paulette Harper
Six year old Nevaeh wants to be something she already is. She will soon learn that her wish to be a princess takes a little bit more than just asking. Some of the Lessons taught in Princess Nevaeh: 1.Self-Worth 2. Behavioral Skills: fighting, bullying, and name calling. 3.Encouraging children to do better 4.Teaches manners and how to conduct themselves. 5. It encourages listening skills pertaining to adults, parents and teachers. In regards to listening and obeying adults: this is a great opportunity for parents to share with the child the difference between those you can trust and those you can't. These types of story books are perfect for kids to learn, improve and grow.  
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About The Author

Author Paulette Harper

Author-Paulette-HarperBeginning her career in 2008, Paulette is an award-winning, bestselling author and the founder of WNL Coaching and Marketing Services. Along with being an ordained Elder, she is the author of several books and founder of Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours, a service to help promote authors of the Christian genre and authors of clean books. As an inspirational and motivational speaker, Elder Paulette’s desire is to empower, influence and cultivate women to move forward while dealing with issues that hinder women from becoming all they are created to be. Her topics are biblically sound and pertinent to the needs of today’s women. Paulette is a wife, mother, grandmother and Bible teacher. Paulette has appeared on numerous radio and Television shows. Combining enthusiasm with an energetic speaking style, audiences describe Paulette’s presentation as inspiring, enriching and encouraging. She is committed to speaking a message that is always uplifting and edifying. As a writing coach, she is the visionary behind her own writing ministry called “Write Now,” a literary program that specializes in coaching aspiring writers in the areas of creativity, development, and publication of Christian books. She provides her listeners with tools, resources, and opportunities to help them succeed in the writing business. Her books have ranked consecutively on the Black Christian Publishers Bestsellers List for Independent Publishers (non-fiction category). Connect with her below-
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