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Tis the Season for More Highly Recommended Reading for Your #TBR List

Disclaimer: It took far too long to write these newest round of book reviews because I could not stop adding new titles to the #TBR list. I have been known to say that winter is the season for reading. I have also been known to say that spring is the season for reading. I think that we can all see where this is going.

Each and every season is prime time for enjoying a good book for so very many reasons. So whichever season you are reading this review, 'tis the season to set the scene for some good reads. Here are some more of my personal recommendations to consider for your TBR (To Be Read) List. I also recommend searching the #TBR hashtag for other great book selections from readers all around the world.

Stuff You Already Know And Everybody Should Compliments of author Gina DeLapa, there is a handy little reference guide to life for everyone to enjoy. From its inception as a journal filled with randomness and wittiness, Stuff You Already Should Know offers 437 entries that range from #1- Set yourself up for success to #437 Promise yourself you'll never give up with so much more in between. Personally, I have to remember to give credit where credit is due as I will regularly find myself sharing the wisdom of DeLapa from The Stuff You Already Know. Personal Fave? "#136 Take time for silence just to air out your brain, hear yourself think, and let I a wisdom beyond your own."  

Tomorrow Comes - With any author sharing a story that is based on a true story, I almost instantly feel a personal connection with the author. Having an invitation into the personal experiences of Emma, the daughter of author Donna Mebane and their family was a truly moving experience. This award-winning book was an emotional exercise, I experienced laughter, I empathized, I cried as I thought of my own teenaged daughter. Tomorrow Comes is a coming of age story that speaks volumes to the spirit of love and the bond of family.

Code Blood Not a good read for the faint of heart, Kurt Kamm takes readers into a dark and twisted tale that is gripping bloodiness with thrilling, suspenseful action. A heroic action from a fire paramedic spirals into the discovery of the underworld of a medical research laboratory, a dangerous Goth vampire stalker and a deadly climax. With a steady flow of medical mystery and mayhem, Code Blood is a guaranteed blood curdling masterpiece, pun intended. 

Tunnel Visions Activiating the resources of Homeland Security is a sure fire call to action for high level suspense. Combine the partnership of a Fire Captain and his fiancee, a Special Agent working together against a terrorist threat to our country and the story is only beginning. Considered by author Kurt Kamm to be a work of faction, fact based fiction relaying events inspired by the 1971 Sylmar Tunnel disaster. Calling upon artistic liberty to combine factual events with cleverly crafted storytelling, Tunnel Visions is an intensely captivating novel that will uncover mysteries long forgotten. 

The Broken Circle Yarns of the Knitting Witches Book One of the Potluck Yarn Trilogy is a well-developed, descriptive narrative with a lively cast of characters that draw you into their reality. Cheryl Potter has woven a story that is full of vibrant imagery, mystical adventures and accompanying knitting patterns available for knitters of all skill levels. As a self-proclaimed creative with absolutely no previous knitting experience, I have made a personal vow to craft at least one of the knitting projects featured in The Broken Circle and to get busy reading the continuation of the trilogy. 

Jex Malone My love for reading was acquired during my youth and reading books from the Young Adult genre always seemed to be very cutting edge. Jex Malone delivers all of the excitement, angst and cheekiness of teen life at it's finest. C.L. Garber and V. C. Stanley have certainly created a modern day Nancy Drew in Jex Malone. With fun interactions, quirky kid humor and CSI crime-solving investigation techniques, be prepared for a mystery complete with storyline twists, turns and secrets that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Plotting The Course Life Lessons from the Sport of Sailing Getting behind-the-scenes insider information is always fascinating and insightful. Rick Arneson masterfully parallels some of life's most quintessential core lessons of character development to the rudimentary principles applied in the sport of sailing in Plotting The Course. The wisdom that transfers from the sport of sailing to incorporation into the logistics of everyday living. "Passion breeds inspiration" is the driving force behind this strategically written comparative example of the relevance of applying techniques and tactics that are used to successfully navigate the seas to also successfully navigate our own personal development. The intriguing thought processes and technical skills required to sail a vessel are seemingly undetectable to the layman's observations, the result of meticulous planning and an extensive knowledge base that are equally relevant on land as at sea.

All About Carpets Everything You Need to Know This easy to navigate consumers guide is an all inclusive resource for educating consumers to make informed carpet buying decisions. In All About Carpets Everything You Need to Know - A Consumer Guide written by Glenn Revere, who started his career as an Assistant Buyer progressing to becoming a nationally recognized carpet inspector the technical facts are simply stated in a manner that can be practically applied. Most valuable information was presented in the Making a Claim chapter where customers are educated as to the proper techniques for effective complaining. Very useful insider information being shared with consumers.

I was provided with copies of the above mentioned books for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
