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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

New York Entrepreneurs of OgoSport Toys Inspire Active Play for Kids

Do you know of any kids living by the rules of play? What exactly are the rules of play? Work hard, play harder, of course. The awesome OgoSport team live and work by the these rules each and everyday. It's their job, a very cool job too, I might add. New York welcomed OgoSport in 2004. The company, calling Brooklyn home, aims to encourage and inspire active play and exercise for all ages and skill levels. As a parent and a New Yorker, I'm a fan. Here's the best part- no batteries required! Oh yeah! 

Thank you to OgoSport for sponsoring this post with an exclusive preview of the Batapult and AeroZipp Disk.
With winter's cabin fever getting the best of them, the tween and the tot were snowed in, home-bound and bouncing off of the walls. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. The walls, not really. However the sofa, yeah- that happened. Desperate times call for desperate measures. It was desperation o'clock. Having had the chance to connect with OgoSport prior to their debut at the annual Toy Fair in New York, my toy testing team was ready to give the Batapult and the AeroZipp Disk a try for many reasons. First, "I bet no one at "Too Cool Middle School" has ever even seen these!" says the tween. "I can do it by myself," stated the tot. Most importantly, "I have to save my sofa!" exclaimed mom- That's where I take action.

Bundling up into our winter gear, we headed outdoors for a few quick, and I mean really quick hits in the 2 feet of snow and frigid mountain air. The Batapult is way cooler than any regular bat that you have ever taken a swing with on the field.  Designed with a unique hinge in the center of the bat, the Batapult enables a fast swing with less effort than the average bat. The bat is has the capacity to catapult the ball up to 200 feet. The first swing of the Batapult was everything! I was concerned about the tween's ability to make contact with the ball but he rocked it. Not striking the ball full swing, he was able to send the foam ball flying, then head off after it. Awesome!

Wearing the boys out from the combination of physical activity, sub-zero temps and outside voices on full blast, we still had more than enough enthusiasm for fun with the AeroZipp Disk. The AeroZipp Disk is a disk launcher with round disks that go flying out when launched, gliding as far as 175 feet through the air. My role- launcher, their roles retrievers. Running through two feet of snow is not only exerting, it's hysterical to watch! 

With dreams of a Spring thaw and green grass eventually happening, we plan to get outside to fully enjoy the Batapult and AeroZipp Disk very soon. In the meanwhile, the tween and the technotot have been trolling OgoSport's website and their OgoStore. The award-winning toys are nothing short of spectacular. The tot has already added the OgoBild Kit Pod into his cart and the tween went all out and selected the 
OGOBILD with AnimateIt! Studio Kit. The OgoSport motto is magic, "Move. Think. Play." I hope that I can attach resumes from the tween and the tot with our OgoSport order.

I have received The Batapult and the AeroZipp Disk for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
