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The Perils of Pauline- Bona Fide Comedy of Motherhood, Marriage and Military Life

Have you ever done this too? That knowing glance exchanged between mothers as a symbolic tip of the hat in acknowledgement of the wonders of Mommy Magic. Common practice in recognition of Parenting Bona Fides. "Chapter 8 - Bona Fides: In personnel recovery, the use of verbal or visual communication by individuals who are unknown to one another to establish their authenticity, sincerity, honesty and truthfulness... - Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated terms."

Thank you very much for the Advanced Review Copy of The Perils of Pauline from author Collette Yvonne for the purpose of facilitating this review.
It was a refreshing escape for me to be able to put aside school notices, household bills and the vacation planning guides that I wishfully tote about as my boys tote LEGO catalogs to read an adult book. Not THAT type of adult book, a book about motherhood in all it's glory, from mania to mayhem. I am so relieved to know that not only am I not alone in my episodes of motherhood, but I have one heck of a story on my hands- truth is stranger than fiction.

The Perils of Pauline while of course based on a character that is fictional in nature, Pauline's experiences are reflective of the everyday highs and lows that so many of us endure as wives and mothers. Living in the moment, there are many occasions where we feel desperately alone in the chaos that is life. Colette Yvonne opens the door into the life of Pauline and her family in such a laughable yet relatable manner leaving readers believing, "I'm okay, you're okay."

"Life seems “picture perfect” for Pauline Parril; a solid career, a doting (though slightly absent) husband, and two adorable, young children—until the usual Friday meeting at the office ends with a termination letter. It is amazing how one event can change the course of everything. As Pauline navigates the world of unemployment, other aspects in her world start to turn upside down; her daughter comes home with a shocking secret, her husband is not who she knows him to be, and a handsome stranger opens her eyes to the complex worlds of poetry and temptation. Oh, and that pile of laundry isn’t shrinking anytime soon."

Author Collette Yvonne, reflects, "The Perils of Pauline is an intriguing woman’s adventure about making uncomfortable decisions when life pushes you and your family out of comfort zones. I’ve personally never connected with a lead character as immediately as I did with Pauline; especially if you're a mother (or have a passive aggressive mom!). It was a relief to see that other women go through the same hectic, unbelievable, and mundane—yet life altering—experiences that I easily recognize daily. This is THE story of finding out who you are and what’s really important while answering the scariest question of all: “What now?”

About The Author

Collette Yvonne has written more than 150 articles published in Ontario's Dailies. Her short story,Snapshots for Henry, was made into a short film directed by Teresa Hannigan and received a 2007 Genie nomination for Best Live Action Short Drama. More of Yvonne's short stories, including From the Cottage Porch and Wild Words 2010 appear in published anthologies.

She graduated from Toronto's York University, and lives in Ontario

I received a copy of The Perils of Pauline for the purpose of facilitating this review. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
