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400K Kids Need You to Share This Foster Care Month Awareness PSA from #FosterMore

Real life is not a game of Mother, May I? There is no reason to wait for the month of May to consider supporting children in foster care. We can make a difference each and every day. Let's make an extra effort during the month of May to take action and raise awareness for children living in Foster Care during National Foster Care Month.

Here is your chance to share awareness of the need for caring people to reach out to the growing number of kids wanting to find homes. Take a look at this touching PSA video by FosterMore about Mary Lee’s adoption from foster care which was made official just one week before her 18th birthday. The PSA features music graciously offered by One Direction and features the voice of Ty Burrell from the cast of Modern Family, an adoptive father of two children.

The Story of My Life - FosterMore’s New Video

Launched during Foster Care Awareness Month, join FosterMore by watching and sharing their new video, “The Story of My Life.” Help  to spread awareness for the more than 400,000 kids in foster care and help make it possible for them to get the love and support they need and deserve to succeed in life.

"I Am Amazing" Public Service Announcement

Sadly, approximately 400,000 children are living in foster care today. In support of Foster Care Awareness Month, take a moment to watch and share FosterMore’s PSA reminding us all that there are children in foster care that are very special and deserving of the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Share the message today! Click Here- Tweet: Proudly @niecyisms supports @FosterMore helping children in #fostercare. Watch this #PSA! http://ctt.ec/J9d6b+

Join FosterMore to see how you can make fostering a part of your life by being a mentor, parent or friend. For more information visit fostermore.org
