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The Mrs. Exclusive Mother's Day #YouToldMe Debut and Contest

Ladies, get ready to rock! Reigning with girl power, female empowerment and musicality to rival any boy band, The Mrs. rocked the Top of the Rock for the release of their latest single "You Told Me" which debuted at an elaborate New York City Mother's Day celebration benefitting Dress for Success. I attended this exclusive event as an invited guest of The Mrs.
The celebrated attendees were treated to a posh evening with The Mrs. hosted by none other than celebrity mom, Jenny McCarthy. Rockefeller Center set the stage for the all-female rock band The Mrs. to continue to fittingly honor the love and legacy of moms everywhere. 

The talented ladies known as musicians of The Mrs. became known all across the country for sharing their powerful message to other women of self-acceptance. Their debut single "Enough" perpetuated the inspiration for the #ImEnough movement, resonating with women from all walks of life, empowering them to "love themselves just as they are."

The Mrs. are also launching their #YouToldMe Mother's Day Contest giving fans across the United States a chance to win $50,000 for simply sharing their mother's life lessons and words of wisdom. Enter now, as the lucky winner will be selected on Mother's Day, May 10, 2015.

Encouraging fans to write about their mother's most influential words, the band hopes to continue to put a spotlight on the incredible significance moms hold in caring for their families every day. According to a recent study, The Mrs. commissioned a survey of 5,000 mothers, and found that nearly 95% of them feel inadequate and 90% agree that feeling like they're not "enough" is a universal pattern among mothers. The Mrs. is on a mission to help change those statistics through empowered music and messages.

"We all have worries, fears, and times when we feel we are not enough," said The Mrs. Founder and Drummer, Andra Liemandt. "We want to empower women to believe they are enough just as they are."

In line with their increasing female empowerment movement and as a means to help to promote the financial security of women, The Mrs. is partnering with Rising Tide Capital, a non-profit organization that will provide financial advising to the contest recipient.


 Here is how to enter the contest and read complete rules and details, go to http://themrs.com/youtoldme/ to access the entry form. There is no purchase necessary.

The Mrs. "You Told Me" song is available on iTunes, their video is available on The Mrs. YouTube Channel.

To bring their #ImEnough message to life, The Mrs. created a talking "magic mirror" and have been successfully convincing women everywhere that they are enough!

For more information, visit www.themrs.com.
