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Top Brands Showcase Baby and Kid Gear, Products and Services at the New York Baby Show

Goo Goo Gaa Gaa baby talk has evolved into green living and high tech gadgetry. Parents in-the-know excitedly took advantage of the opportunity to meet with top brands, both large and small as they showcase baby and kid gear, products and services at the New York Baby Show. It would be an epic faux pas to inquire about information about a baby's playpen, that would be a play yard that you might be searching for. No worries, the friendly faces on hand were ready, willing and able to offer as much advice and assistance as possible.

I was invited by Momtrends to attend the #MomtrendsLounge and the New York Baby Show sponsored by New York Family Magazine for the purpose of facilitating this informative event recap.

The New York Baby Show featured everything well prepared parents might want for their families from conception to college planning. If you missed out on "the largest show for new and expectant parents in the country", be prepared for ah essential guide to the top brands demonstrating the must-have baby and kid gear, products and services.

Our family received expert photography tips and tricks from Canon, filled our SureShop Bag from the New York brand hatch things with information and products from innovative companies such as The Nanny League, Mabels's Labels, Frida Baby, Mixed Pears, Essentia Alkaline Water, Mum-Mum, Mixed Pears and my new go-to brand for decreasing nausea and headaches, No Mo Nausea among many other brands. 

Without a doubt, the best of the best brought their brand representatives to the front line. Customers were able to get their questions answered, sample new products and try out the items and merchandise that we, as parents will be entrusting to the welfare of our most precious of possessions. Again, no worries if you didn't get the chance to attend this year's New York Baby Show. Check out the highly recommended list of event vendors, sponsors and participants.

A special acknowledgement goes to the outstanding teams behind the New York Baby Show, New York Magazine, Momtrends, The Nanny League, The Glam Squad and all of the sponsors that contributed to making the #MomtrendsLounge possible.

92nd Street Y
Aden and Anais
Advantage Tennis Clubs
Apres Bebe
Babies R Us
Baby Gizmo
Baby Health Care
Mum Mums
Baby Studio i
Baby Ganics
Baby Home
Baby K'tan
Bitty Bean
Britax USA
Buggy Balance
Bump Boxes
Cord Blood
Chew Beads
Chico USA
Darlyng & Co
Doctor Smith's
Eco Nuts Soaps
Essentia Water
Eastside Westside Music Together
Exclusive Testing Labs inc.
French Institute : Alliance Française
Fit Bump 360
Flat Rate Moving
French American School of New York
GB Child
Green Mountain Energy
Green Point Brands
Hansel and Gretel
Happy Family Brands
Hatch Things
Healthy Mama Brand
Holistic Baby Acupressure System
Honey Ami
Inno Baby
i-Play Baby Wear
Karilyn Sanders Photography
Kids Play Home
Life Bank USA
Lilly Gold
Lucy Darling
Mamas and Papas
The Mandell School
March of Dimes
Merrill Lynch
Metro Tots
Mixed Pears
Moms Pump Here
Mother's Special Blend
Mount Snow
Nested Bean
New York Family
New York Life
No Mo Nausea
Nordic Naturals
Paula Brancato
Pavo Textiles
Pediatric Associates NYC
Ped Perego
Plum Organics
Pottery Barn Kids
ProVu Medical

Redhead Photography
Regal + Lager
Safety 1st
Seraphic Organics
Shoosha True
Date Night Now by Sittercity
Skip Hop
Magnificent Baby
Sprout San Francisco
Stork and Cradle
Shea Moisture
The Beebo
The Goddard School
Tidy Tots Diapers
Tiny Love
The Tot Squad
Triple Paste
Ubbi World
Wyndham Vacation Rentals

I was invited by Momtrends to attend the #MomtrendsLounge and the New York Baby Show sponsored by New York Family Magazine for the purpose of facilitating this informative event recap. As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
