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Featured Editorial
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niecyisms | Creative Learning Center Studios
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Been there, done that. I am no stranger to life as the Odd Mom Out, In fact, let's just jump right in with the true confessions. I am the Odd Mom Out. I may not be on the radar of the Lululemon-ed, elite of NYC's Upper East Side, but right here in our own little L.L. Bean-ed, rural town, I stand alone. I fly solo not by choice but, someday I just might become one within the local Mommyverse and ride off into the sunset in my yellow Range Rover too. Bwahahahah!
Thank you to Bravo TV for sponsoring this post with an Odd Mom Out premier screening for the purpose of facilitating this advertorial.
Back to reality. At the risk of sounding, quite obnoxious I must share my confession that I watch very little TV that does not feature singing, dancing or some sort of lively, animated being delivering profound life lessons. The reason that I watch so little TV has very little to do with the quality of today's television programming or my strong stance on limiting technology usage in our home. Honestly, I spend a mind-blowing amount of time each and everyday, making sure that my husband, our teen, tween, and tot, leave the crazy at home. We are our own entertainment. With that being said, my recommendation of a show speaks volumes or, perhaps I'm just beyond thrilled to see grown-up TV.

The laughs and quirky moments that Odd Mom Out Jill encounters are not even close to being similar to our daily mom-ents, however, those feelings of doing the best you can despite it all are a common bond. We get it. No one is perfect, though some moms seemingly manage to flawlessly master the art of illusion. Why strive for an unobtainable vision of perfection, when you can just be your make-up-the-rules-as-you-go-along self aka the Odd Mom Out?
More good news! I'm extending an invitation to join the V.I.M.s (Very Important Moms) Perks Program, on Bravo’s mobile app, The Daily Dish, available for both Android and iPhone via your mobile store. As a V.I.M. through the Daily Dish app, you can catch up on highlight from your favorite Bravo-lebs, and be eligible for exclusive VIM discounts and savings from Bravo TV partners.
Not so secret confession- Odd Mom Out really pays off... sometimes. What are your Odd Mom Out true confessions?
Click *here* for more information about Bravo TV's Odd Mom Out.
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