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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Get Your #ALSIceBucketChallenge Survival Kit- #EveryAugustUntilaCure

I am nominating you to get your ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Survivor Kit right now, you have 24 hours to complete the download and share with three friends. So I am committed to sharing  awareness of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, every August, until a cure.

The originator, the the man that started it all, Pete Frates recently addressed the fans assembled at Fenway Park via the amplification of voice recognition technology, to kickoff a second year of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. In this #StrikeOutALS speech, he explains, "Please note that this year's Ice Bucket Challenge is as important as last year. We would not ask you to dump cold water over your head again just for the fun of it. We need, and are asking you, to make the challenge as big as last year. Be creative; gather friends and family, have fun, and then place your name on my website, petefrates.com. There are links to the ALS cause of your choice. Your help matters. We can see home plate; we just need you all to get up to bat and hit it." 

Sharing in the committment to raise mich needed funding for the treatment and research toward finding a cure for ALS, Every90Minutes.org accepts the challenge. With the mission "to support the most promising research to find a cure for ALS. We imagine a world where ALS is a treatable and manageable illness, rather than an underfunded and terminal disease, which devastates the lives of individuals and their families receiving a diagnosis every 90 minutes."

Let's share a little understanding and awareness, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS, also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive, fatal disease. ALS affect the ability of the individual's ability to walk, talk, eat, drink, and breathe, without assistance. There is no known cure, with few treatment options available to extend life expectancy time following an initial diagnosis.

Leading physicians and researchers are diligently working to find a cure, however funding stands as an obstacle to progress. With increased support, through the #ALSIceBucketChallenge and donations to awareness foundations such as Every90Minutes, together we can facilitate the treatment and cure for ALS to help to save lives and "create a future where ALS isn’t a fatal diagnosis."
