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Professional Lessons for Amateur Students- National Geographic Kids Guide to Photography

It's all about the exposure. Consider this to be about the extent of my professional knowledge about photography, doubling as my semi-professional parenting advice. Living with a tween, still trying to find his niche in life, unlike your tweens that I read about in the Huffington Post, that are  already running their own corporations, graduating college and leading expeditions to third world nations. My kid has yet to arrive. Maybe photography is where he'll shine, or lacrosse, or the ukulele or as an herbalist survivor man, or we'll just wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Thank you for the gratuitous copy of National Geographic Kids Guide to Photography: Tips & Tricks on How to Be a Great Photographer from the Pros & Your Pals at My Shot for editorial content purposes.

Professional Lessons for Amateur Students
National Geographic Kids Guide to Photography

There is no clear cut answer as to who was most excited about the new book recently released from National Geographic Kids Books- National Geographic Kids Guide to Photography: Tips & Tricks on How to Be a Great Photographer From the Pros & Your Pals at My Shot. This in depth, informative book from the brilliance that is NatGeo's Children's Books is geared  toward kids between the ages of 8-12, yet I, myself learned so much useful info from the legendary National Geographic photographer Annie Griffiths and children’s author Nancy Honovich.

Author Excerpt

National Geographic Kids Guide to Photography is the most comprehensive, up-to-date guide to covering every facet of photography and photo equipment: from smartphones to point-and-shoot to SLR to even underwater cameras. Presented in a kid-friendly format, this fun, fact-filled book is packed with all the essentials for budding photographers.

As you know, few art forms have changed more over the last decade than photography. The technological advances have made it much more accessible, and now everyone, including kids, is walking around with some kind of camera in their pocket. It’s more important than ever to teach kids the right habits that will serve them well for the rest of their lives, as the deceptive ease of use of the new devices pushes aside the foundations of good photography.

Combining her passion with parenting, Annie is an extremely talented mom that has traveled all around the world with her kids, sharing her knowledge of photography with her family either as they travel and in their own backyard. Nancy is known for her writing on a vast array of topics from astronauts to zoology that appeal internationally to both children and adults. For more information visit the National Geographic Store.

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